
单词 anachronism
释义 anachronism|əˈnækrənɪz(ə)m|
[a. Fr. anachronisme, ad. L. anachronism-us, a. Gr. ἀναχρονισµ-ός, n. of action f. ἀναχρονίζ-ειν to refer to a wrong time, f. ἀνά up, backwards + χρόν-ος time.]
1. An error in computing time, or fixing dates; the erroneous reference of an event, circumstance, or custom to a wrong date. Said etymologically (like prochronism) of a date which is too early, but also used of too late a date, which has been distinguished as parachronism.
a1646J. G[regory] De æris et Ep. (1650) 174 An error committed herein [in a Synchronism] is called Anachronism.1669Gale Crt. Gentiles i. iii. viii. 85 This error sprang from Anachronisme, and confusion of Histories.1704Hearne Duct. Hist. (1714) I. 7 Virgil making Dido and æneas Co⁓temporaries, whereas they lived at Three Hundred Years distance..committed an Anachronism.1798Ferriar Eng. Histor. 249 An anachronism of thirty or forty years..is easily overlooked.1856Mrs. Stowe Dred (1856) I. Pref., Some anachronisms with regard to the time of the session of courts have been allowed.1876E. Mellor Priesth. iv. 172 The so-called literal interpretation involves an anachronism, inasmuch as it antedates the death of our Lord upon the cross.
2. Anything done or existing out of date; hence, anything which was proper to a former age, but is, or, if it existed, would be, out of harmony with the present; also called a practical anachronism. Also transf. of persons.
1816Coleridge Lay Serm. 329 If this one-eyed experience does not seduce its worshipper into practical anachronisms.1859Jephson Brittany ix. 145 A pilgrimage now seems an anachronism.1864Round Table 18 June 4/3 She gives them phrases and words which..had their beginning long since that period, and are in fact linguistic anachronisms.1871Daily News 15 Apr. 2 [The Benchers] would be living anachronisms in this age of progress, were it not that they are extremely fond of good eating.1899B. Harraden Fowler i. vii, ‘Sentiment,’ she repeated. ‘It is absurd to try and hustle sentiment off the scenes.’..‘You are always an anachronism,’ he said, quietly.1952M. McCarthy Groves of Academe iii. 37 She herself was a smoldering anachronism, a throwback to one of those ardent young women of the Sixties, Turgenev's heroines.

