
单词 poi
释义 I. poi1|pɔɪ|
Also poe.
[Hawaiian name.]
A dish made in Hawaii from the root of the taro or kalo plant, by grinding, mixing, and allowing it to ferment; also, a dish made from the banana and pandanus fruit. Also attrib.
1823C. S. Stewart Jrnl. 18 May (1828) vi. 133 This immense bulk of person is supposed to arise..from the abundance and nutritious quality of their food, especially that of poe, a kind of paste made from the taro, an esculent root, a principal article of diet.1826W. Ellis Tour through Hawaii xi. 293 The house..was soon furnished. A sleeping mat spread on the ground,..a few calabashes for water and poë.1829[see poipoi].1833A. Smith in M. D. Frear Lowell & Abigail (1934) 72 Their [sc. the Hawaiians'] ‘staff of life’ is poi, which is made by baking taro in the ground and pounding to the consistency of thin flour paste.1840F. D. Bennett Whaling Voy. I. 213 They eat it in the form of a paste, or poë.1862M. Hopkins Hawaii iii. 34 This succulent root [sc. taro] was sometimes cooked, but was more generally pounded into a semi-fluid mess, and allowed partially to ferment, when it was called poi.1877A. Brassey Voy. Sunbeam (1878) 289 Poi is generally eaten from a bowl placed between two people, by dipping three fingers into it, giving them a twirl round, and then sucking them.1894Outing (U.S.) XXIII 392/1 The poi-pudding tasted like fig⁓pudding and was extremely palatable.1905[see luau].1924J. M. Brown Riddle of Pacific xvii. 182 The low coralline islands had not breadfruit, and yet made the fermented paste called sometimes poi and sometimes mai; and even volcanic islands like the Marquesas, which had breadfruit, preferred to make their poi of taro.1951Amer. Speech XXVI. 23 Poi dog (a nondescript cur; formerly the native breed of dog was fattened on ‘poi’ and served at feasts).1954[see laulau].1964Asia Mag. 16 Aug. 20/1 Poi... Made from starchy taro roots, it is a pinkish-gray goo of one, two, or three-finger thickness depending upon the consistency of the paste.1968O. Wyndette Islands of Destiny ii. 85 All five of his wives were enjoying with him a typical Hawaiian meal: baked pork, poi, and sweet potatoes.
II. poi2 N.Z.|pɔɪ|
A ball made of leaves and fibre attached to a string; a dance to the accompaniment of traditional songs, performed by Maori women and girls using such a ball. Also attrib.
1843E. Dieffenbach Travels in N.Z. II. iv. 57 Another game is with one ball (poi) suspended from a string.1859A. S. Thomson Story of N.Z. I. i. x. 196 Poi is a game played with variegated balls, about the size of large oranges, to which strings are attached. The string is held in one hand and the ball is struck with the other.1905W. Baucke Where White Man Treads 87 When the feasting and gaiety had subsided..we all lazily awaited the lining up of the poi maidens.1935J. Guthrie Little Country vii. 147 The tiny pois danced against arms and shoulders and breasts.1938[see haka].1943N. Marsh Colour Scheme ii. 36 He's going round your younger lot talking about teams of poi girls.1945R. Park in Coast to Coast 1944 42 There'll be girls dancing the poi.1949P. H. Buck Coming of Maori (1950) ii. ix. 243 The women's poi dance..used an accessory in the form of the poi ball... The poi balls in common use in modern times are made of dry bullrush leaves (raupo), about the size of an orange but slightly elongated, and with a short string... The movements with the long poi were slower than with the modern short poi. The string of the poi was held in the right hand and the ball was twirled and beaten back with the left hand while various movements were made over the shoulder, to the sides, the thighs, the knees, the head, the poi balls being kept twirling in perfect time to the songs sung by the leaders.1950N.Z. Jrnl. Agric. Jan. 89/1 One of the pois..is interwoven with raw doghide, a custom which, because it pertained only to very early times, makes this poi a rarity.1958S. Ashton-Warner Spinster 47 The Maori love-songs..and the poi tunes and the melodies they use in canoes.1977N.Z. Woman's Weekly 10 Jan. 35/2 A calendar which features Maori poi dancing at Rotorua.
III. poi
var. pwe.

