
单词 misgoverned
释义 misˈgoverned, ppl. a.
[mis-1 2.]
1. Characterized by misconduct; ill-conducted; immoral. Obs.
c1440Jacob's Well 270 Noȝt only to gode & sobre souereynes but also to mysgouernyd.c1460G. Ashby Dicta Philos. 438 Misgoverned men and vicious.1509Barclay Shyp of Folys 12 b, His mysgouerned maners.a1550in Dunbar's Poems (1893) 309 Misgovernit ȝowth makis gowsty age.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. xvii. (1623) 884 Many misgouerned and loose persons.
2. Unruly, unrestrained; misdirected. Obs.
1593Shakes. Rich. II, v. ii. 4 Where rude mis-gouern'd hands..Threw dust and rubbish on King Richards head.1627Drayton Agincourt 65 The beauteous Margarite, whose misgouern'd spleene So many sorrowes brought vpon her life.a1639Donne Ess. (1651) 69 How strong and misgovern'd faith against common sense hath he.
3. Badly ruled or managed; mismanaged.
1834Tait's Mag. I. 732 The poor misgoverned child.1875Stedman Vict. Poets ii. (1887) 54 The punishment of a misgoverned career is that it hinders even the man of genius from being justified during his lifetime.

