
单词 memorial
释义 I. memorial, a. and n.|mɪˈmɔərɪəl|
[a. OF. memorial (mod.F. mémorial) = Sp., Pg. memorial, It. memoriale, ad. L. memoriālis adj. (neut. memoriāle, used in late Latin as n.), f. memoria memory.]
A. adj.
1. Preserving the memory of a person or thing; often applied to an object set up, a festival (or the like) instituted, to commemorate an event or a person.
c1374Chaucer Anel. & Arc. 18 Thow Polymea..that..Syngest with vois memorial in þe shade.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 16923 Thylke Memoryal wrytyng off thy Secretys, which thyn owne Secretarye, Seynt Bernard, wroot.1535Coverdale Mal. iii. 16 It is before him a memoriall boke written for soch as feare the Lorde.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. v. ii. 80 Thy Maister..takes my Gloue, And giues memoriall daintie kisses to it.1725Pope Odyss. xiii. 180 A memorial stone.1866Rogers Agric. & Prices I. xix. 476 The memorial windows set up to some of Edward the Third's children and relations.1877W. Jones Finger-ring 375 A..memorial ring in connection with the death of Nelson.1885Times 29 July 10/3 A memorial service for General Grant will be held in Westminster Abbey..simultaneously with the funeral service at Mount Macgregor in America.
const. of.
1725Pope Odyss. i. 412 Gifts, memorial of our friendship.1726Broome Pope's Odyss. xxiv. Notes V. 286 May I..at the conclusion of a work, which is a kind of monument of his partiality to me,..place the following lines, as an Inscription memorial of it?
2. Of which the memory is preserved; remembered; also, worthy to be remembered, memorable.
1390Gower Conf. III. 383 Wherof his name schal be blessid, For evere and be memorial.1503Hawes Examp. Virt. vii. xlvi, They made theyr dedes to be memoryall.c1566J. Alday tr. Boaystuau's Theat. World L viij, In the knowledge of Histories or memoriall things done in our time.1631Fosbroke Solomons Charitie (1633) 1 The memoriall and infallible necessity of death.
3. a. Of or pertaining to memory. b. Intended to assist the memory, mnemonic. c. Done from memory.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 120 Not oonly animal vertues..ben I-chaungid, also naturel vertues..also memorial.a1734North Exam. Pref. (1740) 1 To apply his rational as well as memorial Faculties in Opposition to those false and unjust Reflections upon the aforesaid Reign.1735B. Martin (title) The Young Student's Memorial Book or Patent Library.1745J. Mason Self-Knowl. i. xv. (1853) 117 Your Minutes or memorial Aids.1774M. Mackenzie Maritime Surv. p. xiv, A Memorial Sketch is, a Delineation of a Harbour, or any Part of a Coast, from the Memory only.1821R. Turner Arts & Sci. (ed. 18) 299 The Memorial lines stand thus.1830H. N. Coleridge Grk. Poets (1834) 43 One of the best instances of the memorial power in composition that I have found.1847Grote Greece ii. xxxvii. (1862) III. 339 We hear of his memorial discipline.1891S. W. Mitchell in Century Mag. Dec. 287/2 The man thus imprisoned within himself recovers by effort a vast amount of memorial property presumed to have been lost.1920Times Lit. Suppl. 20 May 320/2 A link of material transmission..which..puts the theory of simple memorial piracy definitely out of court.1959F. Bowers Textual & Lit. Crit. iii. 71 A memorial lapse, but not a misreading, must be posited.1963Medium ævum XXXII. 23 It is often impossible to be sure whether scribal or memorial transmission has produced a given cluster of variants.
4. Mindful. Const. inf. rare—1.
1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 590 His soule to endowe, he was memoryall.
B. n.
1. = memory.
a. The bearing of something in mind; remembrance, recollection. Phr. in (the) memorial of: in memory or remembrance of.
1382Wyclif Ps. ci. 13 Lord, in to withoute ende abidist stille; and thi memorial [Vulg. memoriale] in to ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun.1390Gower Conf. II. 70 An old Cronique..The which into memorial Is write.c1480Henryson Test. Cress. 519 For knichtly pity and memoriall Of fair Cresseid, ane girdill can he tak.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 471/2 A bare simple signe, and sette but onely to signify the memoriall of Christes passion.1605Play Stucley in Simpson Sch. Shaks. (1878) I. 265 In memorial of this victory.1696Tate & Brady Ps. cxii. 6 The sweet Memorial of the Just Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust.1701Lond. Gaz. No. 3770/2 Thy Memorial will be renowned to Posterity.a1716South Serm. (1744) IX. i. 19 That man who has tears to spend at the memorial of a lost friend, but none to shed at the thoughts of a lost innocence,..has but too much cause to suspect the truth of his sorrow.1774J. Bryant Mythol. II. 277 The term..was a proper name bestowed in memorial of a person.
b. The faculty of remembering; (a person's) memory or power of recollection. Obs.
1390Gower Conf. II. 19 On..Which lost hath his memorial, So that he can no wit withholde.1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy i. i. (1555), Bothe minde and memoriall Fordulled wer.1538Bale God's Promises in Dodsley O.P. (1780) I. 39 The matters are such as..ought not to slyde from your memoryall.1567Gude & Godlie Ball. 32 Quhair na myndis memoriall Can think, nor tung can tell the tryne.
2. A memorial act; an act of commemoration; spec. Eccl. = commemoration 2 b.
1468Paston Lett. II. 312 Wyth moch lesse cost he myght make som othyr memorialle also yn Cambrygge.1492Rolls of Parlt. VI. 444/2 Dedes of Charite and memorialls to be doon for him.1548–9(Mar.) Bk. Com. Prayer, Communion, We..make here before thy diuine Maiestie, with these thy holy giftes, the memoryall whyche thy sonne hath wylled us to make.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 313 b, The memorial, invocation and intercession of saintes.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 623 To meete, and make memoriall of their deceased friends with remembrance of their vertues.1866Direct. Angl. (ed. 3) 355 When two holidays fall together, the service of the superior one is used, and the collect of the inferior day is said after that of the Office of the Feast as its memorial.
3. Something by which the memory of a person, thing, or event is preserved, as a monumental erection, a custom or an observance. Phr. for a memorial (cf. 1 a).
1382Wyclif Exod. iii. 15 This is name to me withouten ende, and this my memoriale in generacioun and into generacioun.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 61 These iiij. figures, combyned into one, Sette on thy mynde for a memorial.c1440Promp. Parv. 332/1 Memoryal on a grawe..in remembrawnce of a dede body.c1449Pecock Repr. Prol. 4 The memorialis or the mynde placis of Seints.1530Tindale Prol. Lev. Wks. (1573) 14/1 Baptisme is our common badge, and sure earnest, and perpetual memoriall that we pertaine vnto Christ.1611Bible Mark xiv. 9 This also that she hath done, shall be spoken of for a memoriall of her.1648Bury Wills (Camden) 202 To buy him a ring for a memoriall of me.1726Swift Gulliver iv. xii, They set up a rotten Plank or a Stone for a Memorial.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. v. I. 613 The plough and the spade have not seldom turned up ghastly memorials of the slaughter.1853J. H. Newman Hist. Sk. (1873) II. 168 The memorials of the rule of the Pharaohs are still engraved on the rocks of Libya.1857Ruskin Arrows of Chace (1880) I. 44 Every day renders the destruction of historical memorials more complete in Europe.
a. A note or memorandum. Obs.
1577[Dee] (title) General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect Arte of Navigation.1622Bacon Hen. VII 243 Full of Notes and Memorialls of his owne Hand, especially touching Persons.1726Swift Gulliver iii. x, These Struldbrugs and I would mutually communicate our Observations, and Memorials through the Course of Time.1732Beasts' Confess. Wks. 1755 IV. i. 271 His promises he ne'er forgot, But took memorials on the spot.1817Parl. Deb. 1879 That Mr. Harmer drew his petitions from memorials by T.E.
b. A book of memoranda; a day book. Obs.
1588J. Mellis Briefe Instr. B iv b, The Memorial is a booke where-in a marchaunt discriueth and writeth all his daily businesse.
c. Law. An abstract of the particulars of a deed, etc., serving for registration.
1813Act 53 Geo. III, c. 141 §2 A Memorial of the Date of every such Deed..shall be enrolled in the High Court of Chancery.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) II. 61 Before the registering of the memorial of the deed.
d. Scots Law. A statement of facts drawn up to be submitted for counsel's opinion. Also, an advocate's brief.
1752Acts of Sederunt (1760) 462 The Lords, having taken into consideration the bad practice of giving in long memorials before advising prepared states, They from this day forward discharge the giving in any such memorials, and that short cases..be made by each party, and put into the Lords boxes.1815Scott Guy. M. xxxvi, ‘Give me the memorial, and come to me on Monday at ten’, replied the learned counsel.a1822in Kay's Portraits (1838) II. 278 It's no in your memorial (brief).
5. A record, chronicle, or memoir; now chiefly pl., a record, often containing personal reminiscences, of the history of a person, place, or event.
1513Bradshaw St. Werburge 200 An other Balade 1 O frutefull histore o digne memoriall.c1515(title) The Auchinleck Chronicle: ane Schort Memoriale of the Scottis Corniklis for Addicioun [1436–1461], printed from the Asloan MS.1667Milton P.L. i. 362 Though of their Names in heav'nly Records now Be no memorial.a1671Ld. Fairfax Mem. (1699) 1 A short Memorial of the northern actions in which I was engaged.1748H. Walpole Lett. (1846) II. 228, I am a little pleased to have finished a slight memorial of it [sc. Houghton].1843Sir T. D. Lauder (title) Memorial of the Royal Progress in Scotland in 1842.1872Hare (title) Memorials of a Quiet Life.
6. In diplomatic use: A general designation for various classes of informal state papers, either presented by an ambassador to the representative of the Power to which he is accredited, and embodying statements of facts, claims, or propositions made on behalf of his government, or sent by the ministry of foreign affairs to one of its own agents abroad, containing instructions relative to some matter of negotiation.
1536in Strype Eccl. Mem. I. App. lxxvi. 182 heading, A memorial of such articles as were..treated of between the kings highnes counsailers &..the French ambassadors.1561Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 194 To gif in befoir the Quenis Grace..ane formal and sufficient roll and memorial.1680(title) The two memorials delivered by Mr. Sidney his majesty of Great Britains Envoy extraordinary to induce the States-general not to enter into a league defensive with the French king.1696Phillips, Memorial,..a Writing delivered in by a Publick Minister about some part of his Negotiation.1758Ann. Reg. 187 A memorial presented..to the dyet of the empire, by Baron Gimmengen, electoral minister of Brunswick Lunenbourg.1833Alison Hist. Europe (1848) I. iii. §19. 230 The king,..unable to make up his mind on the subject, had it repeatedly debated, both orally in the council, and in written memorials of no common ability.
7. A statement of facts forming the basis of or expressed in the form of a petition or remonstrance to a person in authority, a government, etc.
1713Steele Guardian No. 128 ⁋2 A most humble address, or memorial, presented to her majesty.1769Robertson Chas. V, iv. Wks. 1813 V. 393 They drew up and published a memorial, containing all their demands.1832H. Martineau Demerara ii. 15 They met from time to time to..draw up memorials to Government.
8. attrib.: memorial day, a day on which a memorial is made; U.S. (with initial capitals) the day (in the Northern States 30 May; in the Southern States at various dates) set apart for honouring the memory of those who fell in the civil war of 1861–65.
1836Keble Serm. xi. (1848) 276 There seems a propriety in reading on his memorial-day in particular the account of their common calling and adherence to Christ.1897Kipling Capt. Cour. 245 And Monday's Memorial Day.
II. memorial, v.|mɪˈmɔərɪəl|
[f. memorial n.]
1. trans.
a. To address a memorial to (a person); to memorialize.
1768Sir W. Johnson in F. Chase Hist. Dartmouth Coll. (1891) I. 80 They had even the face..to memorial me, praying that the Indians might not be allowed to give up far to the north or west.1778Phil. Surv. S. Irel. 352 Birmingham, Sheffield and other inland towns memorial government not to execute a scheme so big with ruin.1831Doyle in W. J. Fitz-Patrick Life (1880) II. 440 Would not the proper mode of proceeding, in the case of the soldier, be to memorial the commander-in-chief?1894W. O'Brien in Daily News 25 Dec. 6/5 The tenants..meekly memorial his lordship for some consideration.
b. To denounce in a memorial.
1731N. Hampshire Prov. Papers (1870) IV. 614 In order to memorial the Governour to the Right Honourable the Lords of Trade & Plantations, as a Person not a friend to the Province.
2. intr. To draw up a memorial; to petition for.
1764P. Skene in N. York Col. Doc. (1856) VII. 615 The Honble Board of Trade directed that the above lands memorialed for, should not be granted.1821P. Hawker Diary (1893) I. 242 My brother officers..expressed a wish (and even wanted to memorial) for my promotion.
3. Law. To enter in a memorandum.
1824Ann. Reg. 64 All transfers should be null and void until so memorialled and enrolled.

