
单词 masterdom
释义 masterdom|ˈmɑːstədəm|
[f. master n.1 + -dom.]
1. The office of a master or teacher; the degree of master (of divinity). Obs. rare—1.
a1050Liber Scintill. xxxii. (1889) 120 Pondus magisterii, hefe mæᵹsterdomes.c1384Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 376 What cursidenesse is þis [for a friar] to gete hym a cappe of maysterdome, by preyer of lordis, and grete giftis.
2. The position of being master; dominion, absolute control, supremacy; victory in battle.
In 1755 ‘Not in use’ (J.).
1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 7 When the duc off Burgoyn by cyvyle bataylle by maisterdom expelled the duc of Orlyance partie..owt of Parys cytee.a1500Chaucer's Dreme 1784 And cursed the time that ever slouth Should have such masterdome of trouth.1596Spenser F.Q. v. ii. 15 With cruell chaufe their courages they whet, The maysterdome of each by force to gaine.1605Shakes. Macb. i. v. 71 Which shall to all our Nights, and Dayes to come, Giue solely soueraigne sway, and Masterdome.1656H. More Enthus. Tri. A iij, You are grown a man of strange Master-dome over your Passions.1693W. Freke Sel. Ess. i. 4 That Body of Knowledge that has puzzl'd whole Ages of the wisest, who is so weak as to arrogate the Masterdom of it alone to himself?1880Swinburne Stud. Shaks. 26 The stage which he [Marlowe] was born to..re-create by the might and masterdom of his genius.1886Blackie What does Hist. Teach? 73 The masterdom of the Roman Pope.
b. Masterful behaviour. Obs.
1596Spenser F.Q. iv. i. 46 For Love is free, and led with selfe delight, Ne will enforced be with maisterdome or might.
3. = mastership. Obs.
1588Marprel. Epist. (Arb.) 3 Mine Epistle vnto your venerable masterdomes.1589Pasquil's Ret. D iv, May it please your Masterdom.1601Chettle & Munday Death Earl Huntington D 2 b, Apolloes master doone [read masterdom] I inuocate.
4. grand masterdom: the office of grand master.
1762tr. Busching's Syst. Geog. V. 450 The administration of the grand masterdom is ever since become a mere title.

