“maunche present”的英英意思

单词 maunche present
释义 maunche present Obs.
Forms: 5 monge presawnte, mawnchepresande, 6 maunche, mounch, 7 manch, 7–8 (Dicts.) manche-present.
[? f. manche, munch v. + present n.; there may have been an AF. *mange-present, f. stem of manger to eat.]
(See quots.)
c1440Promp. Parv. 342/2 Monge presawnte, sichophanta.1480Cath. Angl. 232/1 Mawnchepresande, sicofanta.1530Palsgr. 244/1 Maunche present, briffavlt.1560–1J. Awdelay Frat. Vacab. (1869) 14 Mounch present is he that is a great gentleman, for when his Mayster sendeth him with a present, he wil take a tast thereof by the waye.1589Rider Bibl. Schol., A Manch-present, Dorophagus.1623Cockeram, Manch-presents, notable bribe-takers.

