
单词 perpal
释义 parpal, perpal Sc.
In mod.Sc. pairple.
[app. var. of parpen.]
In full parpal wall, partition-wall, partition. Hence parpalling.
c1470Henryson Mor. Fab. ii. Town & C. Mouse xxvii, I thank yone courtyne and yone perpall [v.r. parpane] wall Of my defence now fra yone crewell beist.Ibid. xxvi, Vp in haist behind ane parpaling [MSS. parraling, perr-, ed. 1621 parpelling] Scho clam sa hie.1558Acts Council Edin. (Jam.), The counsellors..did..give order to the Dean of Guild to big within the said church [St. Giles's] parpall walls of stone.18..Jamieson, Perple, a wooden partition.Mod. Sc. (Roxb.), Ye can hear the mice ahint the pairple.

