
单词 pertinent
释义 pertinent, a. and n.|ˈpɜːtɪnənt|
Also 6 par-.
[Ultimately from L. pertinēnt-em, pr. pple. of pertinēre to pertain; but in early use immed. a. OF. partenant (1246 in Godef.), pertenant, pr. pple. of OF. partenir; the latinized pertinent is cited by Hatz.-Darm. from Chr. de Pisan c 1400.]
A. adj.
1. Pertaining or belonging (to):
a. as a possession, dependency, or appendage;
b. as a part, constituent, or function. See pertain v. 1.
[1278Rolls of Parlt. I. 11/1 Les autres terres, purtinauntz a Tillebury.]c1407Lydg. Reson & Sens. 5157 Any maner herbe fynde,..Greyn or gomme, rynde and roote, Pertinent vnto physike.1412–20Chron. Troy i. vii. (1555), An yle to Grekes pertinent.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary i. (1625) 32 Whatsoeuer is pertinent to folly.1635Swan Spec. M. iv. §2 (1643) 63 This was a work pertinent unto the third day.
2. Appropriate, suitable in nature or character.
1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) iii. iii. 51 Many peynes pertynent to dyuers synnes.1432Jas. I Kingis Q. cxxxviii, Lat me se Gif thy remede be pertynent to me.1539Act 31 Hen. VIII c. 5 A..beautifull and princely manour..mete and partinent to his royall maiestie.1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest A vj, Proper or pertinent to earths are many and sundrie kindes.1658A. Fox Wurtz' Surg. iii. xiii. 255 To apply pertinent remedies for such Symptomes.1697Potter Antiq. Greece iv. xi. (1715) 270 My Parents to the Match will not consent, Therefore desist, it is not pertinent.
3. Pertaining or relating to the matter in hand; relevant; to the point; apposite. Const. to.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. II. 13 Þei..seiden, þat þei hadden no breed, how were it þanne pertinent to telle hem of sour douȝ?1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 608/2 Lettyng..the remenant passe, as nowe not pertinent properlye to this matter.1631Gouge God's Arrows i. Ded. 9 Pertinent therefore to the present times are the Treatises following.1647Clarendon Hist. Ref. iv. §309 A most pertinent instance of the Tyranny, and Injustice of that time.a1713T. Ellwood Autobiog. (1714) 353 Books and Papers, pertinent to the case in Hand.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) V. 131 He..prefers a few good judges who make pertinent remarks on the case.
B. n. Something which pertains, belongs, or forms an appendage, to another; a minor property, appurtenance. Usually in pl.
a. Law. (Chiefly Sc.) Anything belonging to an estate, the ownership of which it follows.
1396in Scott. Antiq. (1900) XIV. 217 Al his landys of the Murtclauch..lyand within the schyrraydome of Banfe with the pertinents.c1450Godstow Reg. 35 The mylle of dudekesford, with the pertynentis.1495Rolls of Parlt. VI. 501/1 The Manours of Wodstock, Hanburgh and Stonefeld, of the Hundred of Wotton, with the pertinentes, in the Countie of Oxon'.a1649Drummond of Hawthornden Fam. Ep. Wks. (1711) 157 His said lands,..with houses, biggings, yards, parts, pendicles, and pertinents thereof.1813N. Carlisle Topog. Dict. Scot. II. s.v. Hassendean, The Church of Hassendean, with its pertinents,..were granted to Walter, Earl of Buccleugh.1864Carlyle Fredk. Gt. xv. xiv. IV. 211 Torgau and pertinents now his.
b. generally. Belongings; apparatus; dependencies. Now Sc.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 103 Whiche tree he..offreth..with all the fruytes & partynentes to the same.1554Knox Let. in Sel. Writ. (1845) 337 Make not your members pertinents to sin.a1657R. Loveday Lett. (1663) 111 Great ones love at such solemn troubles to have their servants presence signifie they have such pertinents.1774Pennant Tour Scot. in 1772, 318 Boats with nets and other pertinents for fishing.1854H. Miller Sch. & Schm. xxi. (1858) 468 As if its thinking part had no other vocation than simply to take care of the mouth and its pertinents.

