
单词 noughtly
释义 ˈnoughtly, adv. Obs. rare.
Also 1 nohtlice, 4 noght-, 6 noughtely.
[f. nought a. + -ly2.]
a. Wickedly, wrongly.
b. Badly, poorly.
c825Vesp. Psalter xxxvi. 8–9 Blin from eorre & forlet hatheortnisse; ne elna ðu þætte nohtlice ðu doe. Forðon ða nohtlice doð biað abreotte.c1400Cursor M. 27574 (Cott. Galba), Of þam we suld noghtly late, for of þaire gude werkes noght we wate.1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W. 1506) iv. vi, Moche better is it to examyn one or two unto saluacyon, than twenty and foure noughtelye.1551Turner Herbal 143 It is not harde to be digested, if it be not corrupted before. And that chanceth vnto it when it is noughtely dressed.1594West 2nd Pt. Symbol. §163 Whereby his mind is corrupted and made worse to do or attempt anything noughtly.

