
单词 manilla
释义 manilla1|məˈnɪlə|
Forms: α. 6 manillio, 6–7 -ellio, 7 -ilio, -illia, 6– manilla. β. 6 manil, -el, 8 me-, manille.
[Sp., = Pg. manilha, It. maniglia; according to some a dim. of L. manus hand; others refer it to L. monīlia, pl. of monīle collar, necklace.]
A ring of metal worn on the arm or wrist by some African peoples and used as a medium of exchange.
1556W. Towrson in Hakluyt Voy. (1589) 101 We carried certain basons, manels, etc... We solde them both basons and manellios.1558Ibid. 130 Manils of brasse and some of lead.1598W. Phillip tr. Linschoten i. xlvi. 86/1 The women weare manillas, or arme bracelets therof, ten or twelue about each arme.1625Purchas Pilgrims I. iv. 418 About her wrists, tenne or twelue Manillias of Siluer.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 23 Of no small esteem are Bracelets, Copperchains, or Manellios.1711Lockyer Acc. Trade India 276 A Manilla is a solid Piece of Gold, of two or three Ounces Weight, worn in a Ring round the Wrist.1731Bailey vol. II, Manille, Menille, (in Africa) one of the principal commodities carried to those coasts by the Europeans to traffick with the Negroes in exchange for slaves.1803T. Winterbottom Sierra Leone I. vi. 100 Upon their arms they [the native women about Sierra Leone] wear large silver rings or bracelets, called manillas.1851D. Wilson Archæol. Scotl. 309 Manillas..are regularly manufactured at Birmingham for the African traders.

