
单词 majolica
释义 majolica, maiolica|məˈdʒɒlɪkə, məˈjɒlɪkə|
Also 6 maiolique.
[a. It. maiolica (whence F. majolique, maïolique).
According to J. C. Scaliger Exoteric. Exercit. (1557) 136, the best ware of this kind was said to be made in the island of Majorca (called Majolica in the 14th c.: see Du Cange); if this statement be correct, the word is prob. derived from the name of the island.]
1. A term applied originally to a fine kind of Italian pottery coated with an opaque white enamel ornamented with metallic colours; but later applied to all kinds of glazed Italian ware, beautifully ornamented and richly coloured, also called faience and Raffaelle ware. Also, a modern imitation ware coated with a coloured enamel and decorated.
1555Eden Decades 238 The fine whyte earthe cauled Porcellana, of the which are made the earthen dysshes of the woorke of Maiolica.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. i. xi. 13 Two great platters of Maiolique [printed Macolique].1856J. C. Robinson Soulages Collect. 50 The pieces..which, in the fifteenth century, were curtly termed by the Italians ‘Majorca’ or ‘Majorica’, and thence by corruption ‘Majolica’, a term which..ultimately obtained a place in the language, and was applied indiscriminately to all kinds of glazed earthenware.1875Fortnum Maiolica 20 The general term ‘Maiolica’, also spelt ‘Majolica’, has long been and is still erroneously applied to all varieties of glazed earthenware of Italian origin. We have seen that it was not so originally but that the term was restricted to the lustred wares.
attrib.1861Our English Home 153 Majolica dishes were every day more in request.1862Catal. Internat. Exhib. II. xxv. 120/2 Modern Majolica Ware.1873F. B. Palliser tr. Jacquemart's Ceramic Art 245 In the first years of the sixteenth century, a Florentine artist carried the majolica art into Spain.
b. (See quot.) Obs.
1598R. Haydocke tr. Lomazzo iii. iv. 99 Reddes are made..of the red earth called Maiolica, otherwise browne of spaine.
2. (See quot.)
1866Lawrence tr. Cotta's Rocks Class. 283 Majolica, a white compact limestone.

