
单词 vintem
释义 vintem Hist.|vintɛ̃|
Forms: α. 6 vintiin (vinton), 7 ventin, vinteen, 8 vinten, 8–9 vintin. β. 8–9 vintain. γ. 8–9 vintem.
[Pg. vintem, f. vinte twenty.]
In the coinage of Portugal and countries subsequently colonized from there: A small silver coin of the value of 20 reis; also, a copper coin of the same value.
α1584Barret in Hakluyt Voy. (1599) II. i. 274, 5 vintons make a tanga, and 4 vintenas make a tanga of base money.1598W. Phillip tr. Linschoten i. xxxv. 69/1 There is like⁓wise a reckoning of Vintiins, which is not likewise in coyne, but onely named in telling: of these foure good, and fiue badde doe make a Tangas.1662J. Davies tr. Mandelslo's Trav. ii. (1669) 86 Eight of these Basarucques make a Ventin.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 207 The Tango, 5 Vinteens.1743Bulkeley & Cummins Voy. S. Seas 206 We had hitherto been suppli'd at the Rate of eight Vintins each Man per Day.1775Twiss Trav. Portug. & Sp. 22 Exacting a vinten, or about three halfpence per head.1805T. Lindley Voy. Brazil 260 The ships..sell the beef on board by retail, at two vintins a pound.
β1728Chambers Cycl. s.v. Coin, Portuguese Coins... The Vintain, whereof they have two sorts, the one Silver, and the other Billon.1819J. H. Vaux Mem. I. 218 They stop, and empty their [water-] vessel, for which they receive a vintain.
γ1736Chandler Hist. Persec. 183 Dr. Geddes tells us of one..who was allowed no more than three Vintems a day; a Vintem is about an English penny farthing.1801Southey in C. C. Southey Life (1849) II. 130 The ferry price varies..from one vintem to nine,—that is, from a penny to a shilling.1839Penny Cycl. XV. 326/2 At Rio de Janeiro..there are vintems of copper also current for 20 rees.1856H. Owen Here & There in Portugal 122, I purchased..for three vintems (a trifle more than three⁓pence), a capital figure of a negro dandy.

