
单词 corynebacterium
释义 corynebacterium Bacteriol.|ˌkɒrɪnɪbækˈtɪərɪəm|
Also Coryne-. Pl. -bacteria.
[mod.L., coined as a genus name in Ger. (Lehmann & Neumann Atlas und Grundriss der Bakteriol. (1896) II. 350), f. Gr. κορύνη club + bacterium.]
A bacterium of the genus of this name, which includes the diphtheria bacillus and other animal and plant pathogens and parasites, the individuals being non-spore-forming, Gram-positive, mostly non-motile rods that are often swollen at one end.
1909[see mycobacterium].1934Acta Med. Scand. LXXXIII. 357 A case of fatal meningitis in an adult woman is described, in which a hemolytic corynebacterium was found in the spinal fluid on several occasions.1949H. W. Florey et al. Antibiotics I. i. 31 Inhibition by staphylococcus of a corynebacterium.1964M. Hynes Med. Bacteriol. (ed. 8) xiii. 214 Commensal Corynebacteria rarely have metachromatic granules, which are therefore a valuable means of recognizing the diphtheria bacillus in a mixed growth.1971Nature 8 Jan. 100/1 The resident flora of the external auditory canal is composed of non-pathogenic micrococci and corynebacteria.1973R. G. Krueger et al. Introd. Microbiol. iii. 40/2 The corynebacteria are found free-living in soil, in decomposing organic matter, in dairy products, and as inhabitants of plants and animals.

