
单词 heaviness
释义 heaviness|ˈhɛvɪnɪs|
Forms: 1 hefiᵹnes, (hæfiᵹnes, hæfnis), 3–5 heuenes, -nis, -nys, 3–6 hevinesse, 4 Sc. hewynes, 4–6 hevynesse, 5 euynes, 6 hevines, heueneys, Sc. havines, 6–7 heavines(se, 6– heaviness.
[OE. hefiᵹnes: see heavy a. and -ness.]
The state or quality of being heavy: in the various senses of the adj.; esp.a. Weightiness, ponderousness; gravity; weight or force of impact.
c1340Cursor M. 23235 (Fairf.) Is heuenis of dint..Als hit ware dintis of a stiþi Þat smiþþis smitis in þaire smeþi.c1440Promp. Parv. 239/1 Hevynesse of wyghte, ponderositas.1545R. Ascham Toxoph. (Arb.) 126 What heuynes doth in a stripe euery man by experience can tell.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa ii. 63 Having..on the one side of their horses a great waight..to counterpoize the heavines of their drums on the other side.1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 153 A perpendicular from the centre of heaviness.
b. Burdensomeness, oppressiveness, severity; a grievance.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. xx. 12 We ða ðe beron hefiᵹnise ðæs dæᵹes & hæto.a1225Ancr R. 132 Þe heuinesse of hire flesche & flesches unðeawes binimeð hire hire vluht.c1400Destr. Troy 1800 The harmys and þe heuenys hym happit of yow.1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 95 The causes and matters of hevinesse, declared in articles.Ibid. 97 There were caste many hevinesses and sedicious billes, under the names of suche laborers.1582N. Lichefield tr. Castanheda's Conq. E. Ind. lxxiii. 150 b, The heauinesse of my losse beeing such.1638Abp. Symson in Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. vi. 2 And only lament the heaviness of his sickness.
c. Enraged feeling, displeasure, anger. Obs.
c1386Chaucer Melib. ⁋782 He hath swich heuynesse and swich wratthe to vs ward.1431in Eng. Gilds (1870) 279 If any man be at heuynesse with any of his bretheryne.1502Arnolde Chron. (1811) 291 My sayd Lorde of Glouceter bare heuynes vnto my Lorde off Winchester.1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 98 b, Never..take..querelles, displeasures or hevinesses..one against the other.1590Spenser F.Q. i. v. 6 The instruments of wrath and heavinesse.
d. Oppressed condition of the body, members, or senses; torpor, drowsiness; dullness; want of animation.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxxv. §1 Nan hæfiᵹnes ðæs lichoman, ne nan unþeaw.a1225Ancr. R. 270 Ȝif þet tu muhtest wel wakien, he..leið on þe heuinesse.1382Wyclif Luke xxii. 45 He fond hem slepinge for heuynesse.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. iii. xviii. (1495) 65 Callyd defnes and..heuynesse of heringe.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. iv. (1586) 190 b, The dumpishe heavinesse, that proceedeth of Melancholy.1700Dryden Sigism. & Guisc. 204 A welcome heaviness That seiz'd his eyes.1885Manch. Exam. 18 Feb. 3/3 The terrible dryness and heaviness which make themselves manifest on every page.
e. Dejectedness of mind; sadness, grief.
c1275XI Pains of Hell 45 in O.E. Misc. 212 Hou dredful is hel..In þe wyche is heuenes with-out gladnes.c1386Chaucer Frankl. T. 100 Hire freendes..Conforten hire in al þat euer they may Al for to make hire leue hire heuynesse.c1440Generydes 4625 Hir joy was turnyd into hevynes.1513More in Grafton Chron. (1568) II. 756 He was with great funerall honor and heavynesse of his people..enterred at Windsore.1610Shakes. Temp. v. i. 200 Let vs not burthen our remembrances, with A heauinesse that's gon.1742Richardson Pamela IV. 215 So much Heaviness had I lost, and so much Joy had I received!1879Dixon Windsor II. viii. 92 Richard, in seeming heaviness of heart, broke up his Court.

