
单词 Gunter
释义 Gunter|ˈgʌntə(r)|
[The name of a distinguished English mathematician, Edmund Gunter (1581–1626). The phrase ‘according to Gunter’ is current in the U.S. in the same sense as the English ‘according to Cocker’ (Farmer Americanisms 1889).]
1. In the name of several mathematical instruments improved or invented by Gunter. Gunter's chain: the chain of 4 poles' length now in general use for land-surveying (see chain n. 9). Gunter's line: a logarithmic line on Gunter's scale used for performing mechanically the operations of multiplication and division; also called Gunter's proportion. Gunter's quadrant: an apparatus for finding the hour of the day, the azimuth, etc. Gunter's rule, Gunter's scale = 1 b.
1679Moxon Math. Dict., Gunter's Chain, Quadrant, Rule, Scale, and Sector, all useful Mathematical Instruments, invented or much improved by..Mr. Edmund Gunter..and from him bearing their names.1688J. Brown, The Description and Use of the Carpenters-Rule, together with the Use of the Line of Numbers commonly called Gunter's-Line, applyed to the measuring of all superficies and solids.1701T. Tuttell Descr. Math. Instr., Gunter's Quadrant,..made in Wood or Brass, Curiously contrived to find the Hour..and Azimuth, and most Propositions of the Globe; also, the Height of Trees, Steeples, &c.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Gunter's Line, the common Line of Numbers first invented by Mr. Edmund Gunter, and so well known that it needs no Description.1727–41Chambers Cycl., Gunter's Line, called also line of lines, and line of numbers.1750Franklin Opinions & Conject. Wks. 1887 II. 186 Two pieces of thick looking-glass, as broad as a gunter's scale, and six inches long.1801[see chain n. 9].1890Dict. Nat. Biog. XXXIII. 350 Gunter's admirable rule of proportion, now called the line of numbers (‘Gunter's Line’ and ‘Gunter's Proportion’), and other lines laid down by it were fitted in the scale, which ever since has been called ‘Gunter's Scale’.
b. Short for Gunter's scale: A flat rule, two feet long, marked on one side with scales of equal parts, of chords, sines, tangents, etc., and on the other side with scales of the logarithms of those parts; much used for the mechanical solution of problems in surveying and navigation.
1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Gunter's-Scale, commonly call'd The Gunter by Seamen.1727–41Chambers Cycl., Gunter's scale, also called by navigators absolutely the Gunter..The same lines are also occasionally laid down on rulers to slide by each other; hence called sliding Gunters.1886Dict. Nat. Biog. VI. 225/2 Brandreth, T. S...had previously [to 1821] invented his logometer, or ten-foot gunter.1890Ibid. XXXIII. 350 In these tables [sc. of Artificial Sines and Tangents] Gunter applied to navigation and other branches of mathematics his admirable rule ‘the Gunter’, on which were inscribed the logarithmic lines for numbers, sines, and tangents of arches.
2. Naut. Applied to a method of rigging in which the topmast slides up and down the lower mast on rings or hoops; a mast so rigged or a sail attached to such a mast (more fully sliding-gunter). [So called from its resemblance to a ‘sliding Gunter’; see quot. 1727–41 under 1 b.]
1794Rigging & Seamanship I. 136 Boat's Latteen Sail... This sail, when the head of it (then called the fore-leech) is laced to a mast and topmast, is called a sliding-gunter-sail; the topmast being made to slide down the mast by means of hoops.Ibid. 229 Ship's Pinnaces..sometimes..rig with a sliding-gunter, like houarios.Ibid. 238 These sails are called sliding-gunters, and used in the English navy's pinnaces and barges.1857P. Colquhoun Oarsman's Guide 23 Three sorts of sails,—the spreet, the gunter, and the lug.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Sliding Gunters, masts fitted for getting up and down with facility abaft the mast; generally used for kites, as royals, skysails, and the like.1875Bedford Sailor's Pocket Bk. vi. (ed. 2) 227 Boats rigged with two sliding gunters are the best suited for cruising purposes.1894Outing (U.S.) XXIV. 35/1 The rig was a sliding gunter mainsail.Ibid. 148/2 The sliding gunter rig,..the mast is in two pieces, the topmast sliding up and down the lower mast on two wrought-iron rings or travelers.

