
单词 vanward
释义 I. ˈvanward, n. Obs.
In 5 van-, 6 vawnewarde.
[Reduced form of vantward: cf. vanguard. See also vaward.]
= vantward.
In reprints of 16th cent. works vanward is sometimes substituted for vauward vaward, and the latter is perh. the correct reading of the MS. in quot. 1476.
1476Paston Lett. III. 162 The Swechys..hathe slayne the most parte off hys vanwarde.a1513Fabyan Chron. vi. (1516) 105 b/1 He than sette forthe his waye; commaundynge his vawnewarde to kepe their iourney towarde Paris.
II. ˈvanward, a.
[f. van n.2]
Situated, having place or position, in the van or front.
1820Keats Hyperion i. 39 As if the vanward clouds of evil days Had spent their malice.1823De Quincey Lett. Educ. iv. (1860) 77 Its vanward and its rearward man.1877Patmore Unknown Eros 41 Until the vanward billows feel The agitating shallows.1896Edin. Rev. July 151 The horizon became darkened with the vanward clouds of evil days.
III. ˈvanward, adv.
[f. as prec.]
Towards or in the front; forward. Also with to.
1827Hood Mids. Fairies xlvi, Then next a merry Woods⁓man, clad in green, Stept vanward from his mates.1838J. P. Kennedy Rob of the Bowl ii, Vanward the same kind of enclosures..shut in a grassy court.1888Lowell Heartsease & Rue 56 Whose brave example still to vanward shines.

