
单词 brewis
释义 brewis|ˈbruːɪs, bruːz|
Forms: 3–4 broys, brouwys: see browis; 5 brewes, brus, 6 brewish, -ys, brues, -isse, -yse, 6–7 brewes, -ess, -esse, brewz, 7 brewice, -isse, bruesse, 8 brews, 9 dial. breawis, 6– brewis.
[ME. browes, brouwys, brewes, etc., a. OF. brouetz, in 13th c. broez, nominative of brouet, broet ‘soup made with broth of meat’, dim. of OF. bro, breu: see browet, of which this word is thus a doublet. It is possible that the change of browes to brewes, brewis was influenced by some popular association with OE. briw, pl. briwas soup, pottage (see bree), or even with the vb. brew. Cf. browis, brose.]
1. Broth, liquor in which beef and vegetables have been boiled; sometimes also thickened with bread or meal. Now chiefly dial., and applied very variously in different localities.
[1300–1525see browis.]1526in Househ. Ord. (1790) 174 Venison in brewz or mult, 1 mess, 4d.1530Palsgr. 201/2 Brewes, brovet.1599A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physic 250/2 Cut a chese to shivers, and make therof cheese brues.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 126 Fatned with Scotish pottage and brewesse.c1622Fletcher Prophetess i. iii. 27 What an inundation of brewisse shall I swim in?a1650MS. Bodl. 30. 13 b, The verie bruise of divinitie, fatt and glorious.1719De Foe Crusoe (Hotten) 297 The Liquor of the Meat, which they call Brews.1822Scott Nigel x, Mountains of beef, and oceans of brewis, as large as Highland hills and lochs.c1850in E. Fowke et al. Canada's Story in Song (1960) 164 Tho' Newfoundland is changing fast, some things we must not lose: May we always have our flipper pie, and codfish for our brewis.1869Blackmore Lorna D. vi. (ed. 12) 35 She can't stir a pot of brewis.1874Mrs. Whitney We Girls vi. 130 One [fryingpan] was set on with the milk for the brewis.1906J. Lumsden Skipper Parson vi. 87 A popular dish in Newfoundland is ‘brewis’, pronounced broose.1964Canad. Geogr. Jrnl. Apr. 135 Only in Newfoundland were we served..fish-and-brewis.
2. ‘Bread soaked in boiling fat pottage, made of salted meat’ (J.).
c1440Promp. Parv. 53 Browesse [1499 browes], adipatum.1554Becon Comfort. Epist. (1844) 208 Eating beef and brewis knuckle-deep.1580Baret Alv. B 1225 Brewis, offulæ adipatæ.1588Marprel. Epist. 41 The B. of Glocester..affirmed that beefe and brewesse had made him a papist.1594Lyly M. Bombie iii. iv. 113 A stately peece of beefe..in great pompe sitting upon a cushion of white brewish.a1625Fletcher Mad Lover ii. i. 8 Beefe we can beare before us linde with Brewes.1680Shadwell Woman-Capt. i. Wks. 1720 III. 347 A greasy serving-man..whose beard stunk of beef and brewis.1854W. Gaskell Lect. Lanc. Dial. 13 in Lanc. Gloss. (E.D.S.) Bread soaked in broth, or in the fat that drips from meat..is known as brewis.1857J. Scholes Jaunt 13 (ibid.) Drops o fat on Owdham breawis.

