
单词 expolitio
释义 expolitio|ɛkspəʊˈlɪʃɪəʊ|
[a. L. expolītio adorning, embellishing.]
= expolition b.
[c 82 b.c. Rhetorica ad Herennium iv. xlii. §54 Expolitio est cum in eodem loco manemus et aliud atque aliud dicere videmur.]1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xx. 206 For the glorious lustre it setteth vpon our speech and language, the Greeks call it (Exargasia) the Latine (Expolitio).1943J. W. H. Atkins Eng. Lit. Crit., Mediaeval Phase 203 Expolitio, enlarging on a topic in different ways.1964C. S. Lewis Discarded Image vii. 192 One kind of mora is Expolitio. Its formula is ‘Let the same thing be disguised by a variety of form; be different, yet the same.’

