
单词 enquiry
释义 inquiry, enquiry|ɪnˈkwaɪərɪ|
Forms: α. 5 enquery, 6–7 enquirie, 6– enquiry. β. 6 inquery, -rie, inquyrie, 6–7 inquirie, 7 inquiery, 6– inquiry.
[In 15th c. enquery, f. enquere, inquire v. + -y: subseq. altered to enquiry, inquiry, after the vb.]
The action, or an act or course, of inquiring.
1. a. The action of seeking, esp. (now always) for truth, knowledge, or information concerning something; search, research, investigation, examination.
αc1440York Myst. xxxii. 110 It langis to youre lord⁓schippe..As souereyne youre selffe to sitte of enquery.1581Lambarde Eiren. iv. i. (1602) 363 And this description excludeth all meetings, that are onely for Enquirie: in so much as to enquire, and not to heare and determine, is but a half doing.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. iii. i. §14, I clearly perceive upon exact enquiry, that to be an animal doth belong to the nature of man.1719Young Revenge v. ii, Enquiry will discover all.1782Burney Hist. Mus. (1789) II. i. 29 Its Notation seems a subject of enquiry, not unworthy the curiosity of musical readers.
β1556Aurelio & Isab. (1608) B vj, The Kyng..ordeyned, that the processe with diligent inquirie shuld be fornished.a1682Sir T. Browne Tracts (1684) 98 Without all doubt and reason for farther inquiry.1743J. Morris Serm. iii. 69 To reject the christian religion without inquiry.1874Green Short Hist. ix. §1. 597 Fields of inquiry which had till then been unknown.
b. (with pl.) A course of inquiry, an investigation.
α1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI 169 b, To call the empanelles, for thenquiry, as the use and order is.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. vii. 27 Many simples unknowne to his enquiries.1709Steele Tatler No. 6 ⁋4 We generally spend the Evening..in Enquiries into Antiquity.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) V. 424 To make a satisfactory enquiry into what has been said.
β1512Act 4 Hen. VIII, c. 20 Preamble, Theire adherentes..caused a Crouner to sit and inquere..and for the inquery therof..caused to be..impanelled such parciall and mysgoverned persons.1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII 48 He shortly caused inquyries to be made of diverse offences.1676Ray Corr. (1848) 126 If you still prosecute the same studies and inquiries.1798Wellington Let. to Tippoo Sultaun in Gurw. Desp. (1837) I. 5 You will afford every facility to the conduct of the necessary inquiries.1868Lockyer Elem. Astron. iv. (1870) 147 We are now in a position to proceed with our inquiry.
2. a. The action of asking or questioning; interrogation. (In commercial use = demand n.1 4.)
1565Golding Cæsar v. 116 b, We coulde learne nothinge therof by enquiry.1572R. H. tr. Lauaterus' Ghostes (1596) 136 That Magike and enquirie of things at the dead, did much displease God.1611Bible Prov. xx. 25 It is a snare to the man..after vowes to make inquirie.1709Steele Tatler No. 120 ⁋4 Upon Enquiry, I was informed that her Name was Jealousy.1880Daily News 26 Feb. 3/2 The Stock Exchange settlement begun to-day is the chief cause of the increased inquiry.
b. A question; an interrogation, a query.
1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 54 Of his awne frewyll and mynde, without any question or enquiry to him made.1659D. Pell Improv. Sea Ded. d b, When they were ready to depart, a mutual inquiry was made how that they might meet again.1715–20Pope Iliad v. 631 Inquiries none they made: the dreadful day No pause of words admits.1814W. Brown Hist. Prop. Chr. Heathen II. 30 They made enquiries at him concerning the character of the inhabitants.1875Scrivener Lect. Text N.T. 9 Our reply to this reasonable enquiry is simple, and wholly satisfactory.
3. court of inquiry, a court legally constituted to inquire into and investigate any charge against an officer or soldier of the army, or any transaction in which the conduct of persons may be found to call for proceedings before a court-martial. jury of inquiry, (a) a Grand Jury (also jury of inquest: cf. inquest n. 1, quot. 1655) obs.; (b) a jury summoned to investigate the subject of a writ of inquiry. writ of inquiry, a writ directing an inquiry or inquest; spec. that described in quot. 1809.
1588Fraunce Lawiers Log. i. xix. 67 b, Each Jury of enquiry ought to conteine twelve in number at the least, and if there bee 18 or more, it shal not bee amisse. Yet the common order with us is to have them of an odde number, as 17, 19, or 21, to the ende..that if they should dissent in opinion..there should bee alwayes one to..cast the ballance.1800Addison Amer. Law Rep. 21 Brackenridge asked the direction of the Court to exhibit a judgment for a penalty in evidence to a jury of enquiry.1808Wellington Let. to Pulteny Malcolm 12 Nov. in Gurw. Desp. (1837) IV. 164 To be examined before the Court of Inquiry.1809Tomlins Law Dict., Writ of Inquiry of Damages, a judicial Writ that issues out to the Sheriff upon a judgment by default, in action, of the case, covenant, trespass, trover &c. commanding him to summon a jury to inquire what damages the plaintiff hath sustained occasione præmissorum.1875Judicature Act Ord. xiii. §6 Where the defendant fails to appear..interlocutory judgment may be entered, and a writ of inquiry shall issue to assess the value of the goods and the damages.1883Wharton's Law Lex. (ed. 7), Inquiry, Court of, frequently appointed by the Army authorities to ascertain the propriety of resorting to ulterior proceedings against a person charged before it. The evidence is unsworn.
4. attrib. and Comb., as inquiry agency, inquiry agent, inquiry-office, inquiry room, etc.
1850J. Gallaher Western Sk.-Bk. 243 He came into the inquiry room, and told me..that he had been living in sin.1888A. T. Pierson Evang. Work x. 95 Inquiry-rooms will be put where no one can go out without passing their open doors.1892Kipling & Balestier Naulakha xvii. 204 See here, young woman, do you run a private inquiry agency?1894Daily News 13 Apr. 7/3 Detectives Croxton and Gentle said that no doubt since 1889 he had been living on inquiry fees.1897Westm. Gaz. 10 Apr. 7/2 Referring to obstinate South Africa inquiry witnesses.1901Daily News 5 Feb. 4/4 The Rev. F. B. Meyer..hoped that each church would continue its..band of inquiry⁓room workers.1922Kelly's Directory Liverpool 1181/3 Ramage & Kelly private inquiry agents.1971K. Gottschalk in B. de Ferranti Living with Computer iv. 31 Society is being confronted with..ultraviolet photography practised by inquiry agents.

Add:[1.] c. Freq. as public inquiry. A formal or judicial investigation into a matter of public concern, esp. one conducted by a tribunal established for this purpose under a regional or national government department, and granted jurisdictive powers. Also ellipt. or collect. for (members of) the tribunal itself.
1873Act 36 & 37 Vict. c. 89 §13 The inquiry shall be held in public before an officer.1926Encycl. Brit. I. 411/1 In 1894 two public inquiries into the administration of prisons and of Home Office schools arrived..at the same..conclusion.1966Listener 16 June 889/3 This month the inquiry into the riots is taking place.1978P. Lewis Fifties iv. 95 ‘I never urged anyone not to work on the hydrogen bomb project,’ he told the inquiry.1980Illustr. London News Mar. 24/1 The scheme has been the subject of a public inquiry and is under consideration by the Department of the Environment.1990C. Rose Dirty Man of Europe i. 13 The ensuing official inquiry heard that Barking..had gone into rapid decline as huge banks of sewage silt built up in the River around the outfalls.

