
单词 homeward
释义 homeward, adv. and a.|ˈhəʊmwəd|
Forms: see home n.
[OE. hámweard (= OHG. heimwart), f. hám, home n.1 + -weard, -ward. In OE. a true comb., hence in ME. the a of the first syllable remained (shortened) in some southern dialects; in others the comb. was analysed as hômward, or with the ME. shortening homward.]
A. adv. Towards home; in the direction of one's home, dwelling-place, or native land.
855O.E. Chron., æþelwulf..þa him ham weard for.a1100Ibid. an. 1048 And ᵹewende þa hamweard.c1205Lay. 16941 ælc uærde heomward.c1250Gen. & Ex. 2376 He..bad hem rapen hem homward swiðe.c1375Sc. Leg. Sts., Machor 1327 His wayag hamewart tuk in hy.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 2162 Ariadne, Homward saylyth he.c1420Chron. Vilod. st. 762 So sore wepyng boskede hem hamarde to go.c1450Myrc 1176 That thou myȝtes hamward wende.1474Caxton Chesse 156 Retournyng agayn homeward.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 20 To drawe homewarde towarde dethe.c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) xxv. 1 Returne the, hairt, hamewart agane.1583Stanyhurst æneis ii. (Arb.) 67 Thence dyd I trudge hoamward.1750Gray Elegy i, The ploughman homeward plods his weary way.1784Cowper Task i. 522 The mariner Bound homeward, and in hope already there.
b. Comb., as homeward-going, homeward-veering, homeward-wending adjs. Also homeward-bound.
1813Byron Giaour 4 The homeward-veering skiff.1898Westm. Gaz. 31 Jan. 2/1 The homeward-going teams.
B. adj. Directed or going homeward; leading home. Primarily with such ns. as march, way; hence of things moving home.
1566Drant Horace, Sat. ii. i. (R.), Which in their extreame dayes Will part from lyfe..to goe theyr homewarde wayes.1696Tate & Brady Ps. cxix. 176 Till I despair to find my home-ward way.1799Wordsw. Ruth xli, At evening in his homeward walk.1816J. Wilson City of Plague i. i. 153 Upon our homeward voyage.1817W. Selwyn Law Nisi Prius (ed. 4) II. 937 Surinam, where she had taken in her homeward cargo.

