
单词 bespit
释义 beˈspit, v. arch.
Pa. tense and pple. bespit. For forms see spit.
[f. be- 1 + spit v.]
trans. To spit upon, cover or defile with spitting. Rarely intr. with upon. (Cf. be-spete.)
a1300Cursor M. 17771 Jesus..was Bath bi-scurget and bi⁓spit.1382Wyclif Mark xiv. 65 Summe bigunnen for to bispitte him.c1460Towneley Myst. 223 Thus have thay dight me drerely And all by-spytt me spytusly.1546Bale Eng. Votaries ii. (1550) 107 They..byspatled hym, and byspitted him.1629Gaule Pract. The. 22 Christ was..crowned with Thornes, bespit vpon.1678Hickes in Ellis Orig. Lett. ii. 319 IV. 51 They railed at my black coat, for so they called my gown, and bespit it all over.

