
单词 sharer
释义 sharer|ˈʃɛərə(r)|
[f. share v.2 + -er1.]
1. One who shares something (const. of) or shares in something (see the senses of the verb). Also const. with (a person).
to go sharers: = ‘to go shares’: see share n.3
1603Dekker Wonderf. Yeare Wks. (Grosart) I. 114 A fourth sharer likewise (these winding-sheete-weauers) deserues to haue my penne giue his lippes a Iewes letter.1609Daniel Civ. Wars iv. iv, Most it seem'd the French King to import, As sharer in his daughters iniurie.1622Rowlands Gd. Newes & B. 13 That had beene sharers long and many a day Of what they got vpon the common way.1627May Lucan i. (1631) 4 Rule brookes no sharers.1631Star Chamber Cases (Camden) 87 These men..were plotters, they were sharers, they gave the tooles.1643Falkland in Chas. I's Wks. (1662) II. 282 Those dangerous Distractions which the interest of any Sharers with Him would have infallibly produced.1733Oxford Act ii. 19 If we can write an Answer, I fancy we shall get something by it, and so, Sir, we will go Sharers.1755Warburton Serm. (Luke xiii. 1, 2) Wks. 1788 V. 293 The old Manichean impiety,..which makes an evil Principle, a sharer with him [God] in the direction of the Universe.1782J. Brown View Nat. & Revealed Relig. iv. ii. (1796) 302 Till Jesus have..made me an effectual sharer in the virtue of his intercession.1821Scott Kenilw. xxxv, I have made her sharer of my bed and of my fortunes.1837Dickens Pickw. xxix, The sharer of all his cares and troubles followed him.1869Freeman Norm. Conq. (1876) III. xi. 7 Already a sharer in some sort in the honours of royalty.1874L. Stephen Hours in Library (1892) I. ix. 301 He excited little attention..except amongst the sharers of his own religious persuasions.1885Manch. Exam. 30 Dec. 5/3 To make them sharers with ourselves in all the reforms which are necessary to good government.
2. spec. A member of a company of players, who paid the expenses, and received the profits, and employed the ‘journeymen’ members of the company. Obs.
(Quot. 1589 is perh. a forgery by Collier.)
1589[?] in J. P. Collier Shaks. (1844) I. Life p. cviii. note, Her Majesty's poore Playeres..being all of them sharers in the blacke Fryers playehouse, have [etc.].c1600Histriomastix v. (1610) F 2 b, You that are maister-sharers Must prouide you vpon your own purses.Ibid. G 1, Soul[diers]. Come on Players, now we are the Sharers And you the hired men.1601B. Jonson Poet. iv. iv. 8 Hist[rio]... They directed a letter to me, and my fellow-sharers. Lvpv. Speake lower, you are not now i' your theater, Stager.1604T. M. Ant & Nightingale C 1, Whilst the Ant began to stalke like a three Quarter sharer.c1613in Greg Henslowe Papers (1907) 23 Fower or ffive Sharers of the saide Company.1699J. Wright Hist. Histrion. 11 For several Years next after the Restauration, every whole Sharer in Mr. Hart's Company, got 1000 l. per an.1704Royal Order 17 Jan. in Lond. Gaz. No. 3985/1 The Managers, Sharers and Actors of the said Companies.
b. A shareholder, one who owns a share in a joint concern. (In quot. 1664 fig.) Obs.
1664Cowley On Death Kath. Philips iii, The Trade of Glory mannag'd by the Pen..Does bring in but small profit to us Men; 'Tis by the number of the sharers drown'd.1715Lond. Gaz. No. 5348/9 They hereby require, That all the Sharers do pay..two Guineas per Share.1740W. Douglass Disc. 12 They who take up this Loan Money are called Sharers.1812H. & J. Smith Horace in Lond. 102 But fire, alas! to smoak will turn, And sharers, though no houses burn, Are sure to burn their fingers.

