
单词 fraternity
释义 fraternity|frəˈtɜːnɪtɪ|
[a. OF. fraternité, ad. L. frāternitāt-em, f. frāternus pertaining to a brother: see fraternal and -ity.]
1. The relation of a brother or of brothers; brotherhood.
1390Gower Conf. II. 186 In the virgine, where he [the godhede] nome Oure flesshe and verray man become Of bodely fraternite.1582Bentley Mon. Matrones ii. 22 O my brother what fraternitie! O my child what delectation!1659Pearson Creed (1839) 40 If sons, we must be brethren to the only-begotten: but being he came not to do his own will, but the will of him that sent him, he acknowledgeth no fraternity but with such as do the same.1669Gale Crt. Gentiles i. i. ii. 12 A Phenician Fable touching the Fraternitie of al men made out of the Earth.
2. The state or quality of being fraternal or brotherly; brotherliness.
1470–85Malory Arthur xvi. iii, Therfor was the round table founden and the Chyualry hath ben at alle tymes soo by the fraternyte whiche was there that she myght not be ouercomen.1598–9E. Forde Parismus i. vi. (1636) 34 Those Out-lawes..continued a great fraternity amongst them.1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. To the King §13 There cannot but be a fraternitie in learning and illumination relating to that Paternitie which is attributed to God.1793Burke Conduct of Minority §35 To substitute the principles of fraternity in the room of that salutary prejudice called our Country.1844Thirlwall Greece VIII. 255 It was a treaty of friend⁓ship, fraternity, and alliance.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 106 Equality and fraternity of governors and governed.
3. A family of brothers. Obs. rare.
a1635Naunton Fragm. Reg. (Arb.) 23 When there is an ample fraternity of the bloud Royall, and of the Princes of the Bloud.Ibid. 40 Between these two Families, there was..no great correspondencie..there was a time when (both these Fraternities being met at Court) there passed a challenge between them.
4. A body or order of men organized for religious or devout purposes.
letters of fraternity: letters granted by a convent or an order to its benefactors entitling those named in them to a share in the benefits of its prayers and good works.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 188 With [þam] were þe templers, & þer fraternite.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. viii. 179 Thauh thou be founden in fraternite a-mong the foure ordres.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 12 Ȝif þei maken wyues and oþer wymmen hure sustris bi lettris of fraternite.1401Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 29 Why be ye so hardie to grant by letters of fraternitie to men and women, that they shall have part and merite of all your good deedes?a1512Fabyan Will in Chron. Pref. 5 To the fraternytie of our Lady and seynt Anne, wtin the said church xiid.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. xxvii. 105 Like unto the fraternity of mercy among the Papists, which onely out of charity..do tend those that are sick.1703Maundrell Journ. Jerus. (1732) 70 Each Fraternity have their Altars and Sanctuary.1788Priestley Lect. Hist. iv. xxv. 193 In each mitred abbey of the order of St. Benedict, some persons of the fraternity were appointed to register the most considerable events.1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) II. iv. viii. 398 The first recluses and monks who established religious fraternities in Scotland.
5. A body of men associated by some tie or common interest; a company, guild.
c1386Chaucer Prol. 364 An Haberdassher and a Carpenter..clothed in o liveree, Of a solempne and greet fraternitee.1389in Eng. Gilds (1870) 4 Eche broþer oþer suster þt ben of þe fraternite..schal ȝeue somwhat in maintenance of þ⊇ bretherhede.1433E.E. Wills (1882) 95 The fraternyte of my crafte of cokes.1483Caxton Cato 2, I William Caxton..of the fraternyte and felauship of the mercerye.1611Coryat Crudities 13 This dooth the fraternity of the shoemakers carry in solemne procession.a1674Clarendon Hist. Reb. xv. §15 Fraternities enter'd into there for the better carrying on that Plantation.1762H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. I. iv. 59 Their first charter in which they are styled Peyntours, was granted in the 6th of Edward IV, but they had existed as a fraternity long before.1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) II. iv. viii. 442 The ancient..fraternity of Free Masons.1870Yeats Techn. Hist. Comm. 358 Scarcely a town of importance..in Italy was without its fraternity of goldsmiths.
attrib.1671Evelyn Diary 21 Sept., I din'd in the City, at the fraternity feast in yron-mongers Hall.
6. A body of men of the same class, occupation, pursuits, etc.
1561J. Awdelay (title), The Fraternitye of Vacabondes.1653Walton Angler i. 5 Auceps. Why Sir, I pray, of what Fraternity are you, that you are so angry with the poor Otter! Pisc. I am..a Brother of the Angle.1686N. Cox Gentl. Recreat. v. (ed. 3) 44 Some ignorant Grooms..think they are able to give Laws to all their Fraternity.1712Henley Spect. No. 396 ⁋2 The Fraternity of the People called Quakers.1793Burke Conduct of Minority §25 The French fraternity in that town.1838Murray's Handbk. N. Germany 91 Calais is one of those places where the fraternity of couriers have a station.1858Froude Hist. Eng. III. xv. 269 [Henry] was..ardently anxious to resume his place in the fraternity of European sovereigns.
7. A social association of the students or alumni of a college or university, usually having a name consisting of three Greek letters, as ‘Phi Beta Kappa’. Also attrib. U.S.
1777in F. W. Shepardson Phi Beta Kappa (1915) 9 [At the January meeting of 1777..a mode of initiation was reported.] ‘I, A. B. do swear..to prove true, just, and deeply attached to this our growing fraternity.’1844in A. P. Jacobs Psi Upsilon Epitome (1884) 180 Catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity.1879W. R. Baird (title) Baird's Manual of American college fraternities.1899A. H. Quinn Pennsylvania Stories 59 He could not help seeing that the Fraternity men were in general the best dressed.1901H. D. Sheldon Student Life 224 In general, the fraternities dominate the smaller colleges,..although an occasional revolt on the part of the non-fraternity men sometimes occurs.1902J. Corbin American at Oxford 54 In Balliol there are three debating clubs, and they are of course in some sense rivals. Like the fraternities in an American college, they look over the freshmen each year pretty closely.Ibid. 269 The fraternity houses so widely diffused in America offer almost a counterpart of the halls of the golden age of the mediaeval university.1905A. H. Rice Sandy 125 Annette counted her fraternity pins.1927Sat. Even. Post 24 Dec. 19/3 There was heart-breaking rivalry among us to secure fraternity pins from the boys who possessed them.1967Punch 13 Sept. 377/3 On my own campus, as at many middle-western universities, the fraternity system had great power and prestige.
8. Used by Galton for: the brothers (and sisters) of a family collectively.
1889F. Galton Nat. Inheritance 234 A Fraternity consists of the brothers of a family, and of the sisters after the qualities of the latter have been transmuted to their Male Equivalents.1900K. Pearson Gram. Sci. (ed. 2) xi. 459 The intensity of parental correlation is about .3 to .5, of grandparental about .15 to .3, and of fraternal about .4 to .6, the latter correlation being somewhat reduced when the ‘fraternity’ consists of members of opposite sexes.

