
单词 贵族阶层
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aristocracy〕A hereditary ruling class; nobility.贵族:世袭统治阶级;贵族阶层美国传统〔aristocracy〕Her daughter married into the aristocracy.她的女儿嫁入了贵族阶层外研社新世纪〔aristocrat〕A member of a ruling class or of the nobility.贵族:统治阶级中或贵族阶层中的一个成员美国传统〔estate〕A major social class, such as the nobility, the commons, or the clergy, formerly possessing distinct political rights.社会阶层:主要的社会阶层,例如贵族阶层、平民阶层、牧师阶层,具有不寻常的政治权力美国传统〔landed〕He belonged to the landed aristocracy.他属于拥有土地的贵族阶层麦克米伦高阶〔lord〕A century ago the aristocracy were truly lords of the earth.一个世纪之前,贵族阶层是绝对的统治者。柯林斯高阶〔mass〕He was popular with the rich but failed to win the support of the masses.他很受贵族阶层的欢迎,但没有赢得民众的支持。剑桥高阶〔nobility〕Despite its lack of formal power the nobility was not powerless.尽管没有正式的权力, 贵族阶层并非没有权势。外研社新世纪〔nobility〕Despite its lack of formal power the nobility was not powerless.尽管没有正式的权力,贵族阶层并非没有权势。柯林斯高阶〔nobility〕That country does not have a nobility.那个国家没有贵族阶层英汉大词典〔nobility〕They married into the nobility and entered the highest ranks of state administration.他们同贵族阶层联姻,进入了国家最高行政层。柯林斯高阶〔patrician〕Used as a title for members of a class of honorary nobility appointed by the Byzantine emperors.贵族称号:用作拜占庭皇帝授予贵族阶层成员的称号美国传统〔rank〕Each rank of the peerage was represented.每个贵族阶层都有代表。外研社新世纪She is popular with the aristocracy but she has not yet won the support of the masses.她受到贵族阶层的欢迎,但尚未得到平民百姓的支持。剑桥国际

