
单词 转化
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACE inhibitor〕Any of a class of drugs that cause vasodilation and are used to treat hypertension and heart failure.血管收缩转化酶抑制剂:可使血管扩张的一类药,用于治疗高血压和心力衰竭美国传统〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕A Swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuel. 瑞士一家公司已找到一种方法,可以把动物粪便转化为燃料。朗文写作活用〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕To convert the temperature into Celsius, subtract 32, then multiply by 5 and divide by 9. 将温度转化为摄氏温标,先减去32,然后乘以5再除以9。朗文写作活用〔Ovshinsky effect〕The effect by which a specific glassy thin film switches from a nonconductor to a semiconductor upon application of a minimum voltage.奥弗辛斯基效应:在加某一最低电压的条件下,特种成分的薄玻璃呈现出非导体转化为半导体的效应美国传统〔alembic〕A device that purifies or alters by a process comparable to distillation.蒸馏方法:一种通过与蒸馏类似的过程而产生提炼或转化作用的方法美国传统〔biotransformation〕Chemical alteration of a substance within the body, as by the action of enzymes.生物转化:体内物质的化学转化,如通过酶的作用美国传统〔camera〕The part of a television transmitting apparatus that receives the primary image on a light-sensitive cathode tube and transforms it into electrical impulses.电视摄像机:电视发射装置的一部分,其在光敏阴极管上接受原始图象,并将之转化为电脉冲美国传统〔capitalize〕To use as or convert into capital.作为资本:作为资本使用或转化成资本美国传统〔carbonate〕The alternative approach is to allow the base coat to dry out slowly and start to carbonate.另一种方法是让底漆慢慢变干并开始转化为碳酸酯。外研社新世纪〔carbonize〕To reduce or convert a carbon-containing substance to carbon, as by partial burning.使炭化:把含碳物质分解或转化为碳,如通过不完全燃烧美国传统〔cathepsin〕Any of various proteolytic enzymes found in animal tissue that catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins into polypeptides.组织蛋白酶:一种见于动物组织中的起蛋白水解作用的酶,能催化蛋白质水解转化为多肽美国传统〔clean〕Waste products have been converted to clean energy.废弃物被转化成了清洁能源。外研社新世纪〔commit〕We're committing money to the task of turning the sun into energy.我们在给转化太阳能的工作拨款。英汉大词典〔competence〕Microbiology The ability of bacteria to be genetically transformable.【微生物学】 遗传力:细菌的遗传性转化的能力美国传统〔compiler〕The program can be entirely converted into machine code and saved before it is run, using a compiler.通过计算机编译, 程序在运行前可完全转化为机器码并保存起来。外研社新世纪〔condensation〕The process by which a gas or vapor changes to a liquid.冷凝:将气体或蒸汽转化成液体的过程美国传统〔conversion〕Solar power is the conversion of the sun's energy into heat and electricity.太阳能动力是将太阳能转化为热和电。剑桥高阶〔convertible〕Electricity is convertible into energy.电可转化为能。英汉大词典〔convert〕The cells absorb light and convert it to energy.电池吸收光并把光转化为能。韦氏高阶〔cornification〕The conversion of squamous epithelial cells into a keratinized, horny material, such as hair, nails, or feathers.角质化:鳞状的上皮组织转化为角质化,角质样的物质,例如毛发、指甲或羽毛美国传统〔devise〕They have devised a new method for converting sunlight into electricity.他们发明了一个将阳光转化为电能的新方法。韦氏高阶〔disaccharidase〕An enzyme, such as invertase or lactase, that catalyzes the hydrolysis of disaccharides to monosaccharides.双糖酶:一种促使双糖水解成单糖的酶,如转化酶或乳糖酶美国传统〔dissolve〕The funeral quickly dissolved into a political event.葬礼很快转化成政治事件。英汉大词典〔electrogasdynamics〕Generation of electrical energy based on the conversion of the kinetic energy contained in a high-pressure, ionized, moving combustion gas.电气体动力学:建立在运动能的转化的基础上的电能的产生。运动能被包含于高压、离子化的运动燃烧气体中美国传统〔epidemic〕Such transformation of nouns into verbs became epidemic in recent years.名词这样转化为动词近年来颇为流行。英汉大词典〔fat〕Asiatic sheep turn their food into fat and store it.亚洲羊把食物转化为脂肪并积贮起来。英汉大词典〔gasify〕To convert into or become gas.气化:使转化成或变成气体美国传统〔gelatinize〕To convert to gelatin or jelly.转化成胶凝状态或转化成胶状物美国传统〔gene flow〕Transfer of genes from one population to another of the same species, as by migration or the dispersal of seeds and pollen.基因流动:基因从一族群向另一相同族群种源的转化,以迁徙或种子和花粉的撒播为方式美国传统〔generator〕One that generates, especially a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.发生器:发生器,尤指把机械能转化为电能的机器美国传统〔glycogenolysis〕The biomedical breakdown of glycogen to glucose.肝糖水解,糖原分解作用:糖原转化成葡萄糖的生物医理分解美国传统〔grade〕To gradate.逐渐转化美国传统〔graphitize〕To convert into graphite, as by a heating process.使…石墨化:使转化为石墨,如通过加热过程美国传统〔grief〕Their grief soon gave way to anger.他们的悲痛迅速转化为愤怒。柯林斯高阶〔homomorphism〕Mathematics A transformation of one set into another that preserves in the second set the operations between the members of the first set.【数学】 同态:一个集合转化为另一个,并在第二个集合内保持第一个集合各元间的运算美国传统〔humified〕Converted into humus.腐质土化的:转化为腐质土美国传统〔humoral immunity〕The component of the immune response involving the transformation of B-lymphocytes into plasma cells that produce and secrete antibodies to a specific antigen.体液免疫:免疫反应的一部分,它将B淋巴细胞转化成原生质细胞,这种细胞能制造并分泌针对某种抗原的抗体美国传统〔hydroforming〕A process in which naphthas are converted to high-octane aromatics in the presence of hydrogen and a catalyst under pressure and heat.临氢重整:在高温高压下,在氢和催化剂的作用下石油精转化为高辛烷值的芳烃的过程美国传统〔idea〕How could we translate the idea into business reality? 我们怎样才能把这个构想转化为实际业务呢?牛津搭配〔ionize〕To convert or be converted totally or partially into ions.(使)离子化:使或被完全或部分地转化为离子美国传统〔iotacism〕The conversion of other vowel sounds in Greek, such as eta or upsilon, to the sound of iota.希腊语中的其它元音,如η或ν,向l这个元音的转化美国传统〔jingoism〕Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.爱国主义会很快转化为沙文主义和极端排外。剑桥高阶〔knowledge〕She cannot transfer this knowledge to a new situation.她不能将这种知识转化运用到新情况中。牛津搭配〔light reaction〕The first stage of photosynthesis, occurring only in the presence of light, during which energy captured from light drives the production of ATP.光合作用:是光合作用的第一步,但只能在有光的情况下发生,在此过程中光能可转化成三磷酸腺苷美国传统〔maya〕The power of a god or demon to transform a concept into an element of the sensible world.空幻境界:神或魔鬼所具有的能将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量美国传统〔metaplasia〕Normal transformation of tissue from one type to another, as in the ossification of cartilage to form bone.化生:组织从一种类型向另一种类型的正常转化,如软骨骨化形成骨头美国传统〔metaplasia〕Transformation of cells from a normal to an abnormal state.组织变形:细胞从正常状态向非正常状态的转化美国传统〔mineralize〕To convert to a mineral substance; petrify.使成矿:使转化为矿物质;使石化美国传统〔mineralize〕To transform a metal into a mineral by oxidation.使矿化:通过氧化使金属转化为一种无机物美国传统〔nectar〕The bee turns nectar into honey.蜜蜂把花蜜转化为蜂蜜。剑桥高阶〔nitrate〕Nitrogen is converted into nitrates in the soil which plants can then use.氮转化为土壤中的硝酸盐,可被植物吸收。剑桥高阶〔nitrate〕To treat with nitric acid or a nitrate, usually to change (an organic compound) into a nitrate.硝化:用硝酸或硝酸盐处理,通常将(有机化合物)转化成硝酸盐或硝酸酯美国传统〔nitrogen fixation〕The conversion by certain soil microorganisms, such as rhizobia, of atmospheric nitrogen into compounds that plants and other organisms can assimilate.细菌固氮:通过某种的土壤微生物,如根瘤细菌,将大气氮变为植物和其他有机物能吸收的化合物的转化美国传统〔nucleotidase〕An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of a nucleotide to a nucleoside and phosphoric acid.核苷酸酶:催化核苷酸转化成核苷和磷酸的酶美国传统〔optical scanner〕A device that converts printed images and text into digital information that can be stored as a computer file and processed by graphics software.光学扫瞄器:可将印刷图像与文字转化为数字数据并储存成计算机文件以供影像软件进行处理的装置美国传统〔pastoralize〕To make pastoral, especially to convert (an industrial society or economy) to an agricultural society or economy.农业化:使农业化,尤指把(一个工业系统或工业经济)转化为农业系统或农业经济美国传统〔pathway〕A sequence of enzymatic or other reactions by which one biological material is converted to another.酶促反应:一连串催化反应或其他反应,通过它一种生物物质被转化成另一种生物物质美国传统〔pepsinogen〕The inactive precursor to pepsin, formed in the cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid during digestion.胃蛋白酶原:胃蛋白酶的一种不活跃原,在胃粘膜细胞中形成并在消化的过程中通过盐酸转化为胃蛋白酶美国传统〔peptonize〕To convert (protein) into a peptone.胃蛋白胨化:使(蛋白质)转化成胨美国传统〔phoney war〕There is a chance that the phoney war of the past three months will turn into real fighting.过去三个月的假战有可能转化成真正的战斗。外研社新世纪〔prodrug〕An inactive precursor of a drug, converted into its active form in the body by normal metabolic processes.药物前体,潜药:药物的静止性前体,通过正常的新陈代谢过程在体内转化成其活性形态美国传统〔prohibitive〕The cost of conversion to western technology would be prohibitive.向西方科技转化的费用可能会高昂得令人望而却步。麦克米伦高阶〔provitamin〕A vitamin precursor that the body converts to its active form through normal metabolic processes. Carotene, for example, is a provitamin of vitamin A.维生素原:一种由身体通过正常新陈代谢过程,将其转化成活跃形式的维生素的前体,比如,胡萝卜素是维生素A的维生素原美国传统〔quantasome〕One of numerous particles located on the inner lamellar surface of a chloroplast and sometimes considered to be the functional unit of photosynthesis.光能转化体:附着在叶绿体内表层的许多微粒之一,时常被认为是光合作用的机能单位美国传统〔receive〕Electronics To convert incoming electromagnetic waves into visible or audible signals.【电子学】 接收:把收到的电磁波转化为可见或可听信号美国传统〔rectifier〕Electronics A device, such as a diode, that converts alternating current to direct current.【电子学】 整流器;整流管:一种将交流电流转化为直流电流的装置,如二极管美国传统〔rectify〕Electronics To convert (alternating current) into direct current.【电子学】 把…整流:将(交流电)转化为直流电美国传统〔render〕To reduce, convert, or melt down (fat) by heating.熔解,精炼:通过加热减少、转化或熔化(脂肪)美国传统〔resolution〕The tone or chord to which such a progression is made.解决的和谐音:进行这样转化的音调或和弦美国传统〔resolve〕The meeting resolved itself into a number of working committees.大会转化为若干个工作委员会。21世纪英汉〔respiratory enzyme〕An enzyme, such as oxidase, that transfers electrons from its substrate to molecular oxygen during cellular respiration.呼吸酶:一种酶,例如氧化酶,它在细胞呼吸中将基质电子由其酶化物转化为分子氧美国传统〔secondary〕Chemistry Characterized or formed by replacement of two atoms or radicals within a molecule. Used of a compound.【化学】 转化而成的:由一个分子内两个原子或电极替代所形成的,或有此特点的。用于化合物美国传统〔shade〕His naturalism shades over to obscure fantasy.他的自然主义逐渐向模糊的幻想转化英汉大词典〔steam boiler〕A closed tank in which water is converted into steam under pressure.蒸汽锅炉:封闭的缸罐,在其中水在压力下被转化为蒸汽美国传统〔steam〕In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam.在发电厂里,热能将水转化成高压蒸汽。柯林斯高阶〔sublimate〕I sublimated my grief at the death of my mother by throwing myself into my work.我把对母亲逝世的悲伤转化为对工作的全身心投入。韦氏高阶〔sugar〕Amylum can sugar.淀粉能转化成糖。21世纪英汉〔text〕The machine can recognise hand-written characters and turn them into printed text.这种机器能够识别手写文字, 并将其转化为印刷文本。外研社新世纪〔text〕The machine can recognise handwritten characters and turn them into printed text.这种机器能够识别手写字体,并将其转化为打印文本。柯林斯高阶〔thermodynamic〕Characteristic of or resulting from the conversion of heat into other forms of energy.热力的:具有由热转化为另一种能量形式特征的或产生于此的美国传统〔translate〕His job is to translate the decision into a working program.他的任务就是将决议转化为工作计划。韦氏高阶〔translate〕Teacher expectations do not automatically translate themselves into student results.教师的期待并不能自动转化为学生的成绩。牛津搭配〔translate〕They tried to translate the theory into simple concepts.他们试图把理论转化为简单的概念。牛津搭配〔translate〕Your decision must be translated into specific, concrete actions.你的决定必须转化为具体明确的行动。柯林斯高阶〔transmitter〕The portion of a telephone that converts the incident sounds into electrical impulses that are conveyed to a remote receiver.送话器:电话的一个部件,它把入射的声音转化为电脉冲,并传到一个远方的接收者那里美国传统〔transmutation〕She ceased to think, as anger transmuted into passion.当怒火转化为激情,她停止了思考。柯林斯高阶〔transmutation〕The act or an instance of transmuting; transformation.转化:变形的动作或事例;转化美国传统〔transsexual〕One whose primary sexual identification is with the opposite sex.有异性转化欲者:其主要性别特征是与其相对性别的人美国传统〔transubstantiation〕Conversion of one substance into another.变质:从一种物质向另一种物质的转化美国传统〔trusted〕After speaking to a group of her most trusted advisers, she turned her anger into action.在和一群她最信任的顾问交谈之后, 她把愤怒转化成了行动。外研社新世纪〔uranium〕The facility will continue the process of turning uranium ore into gas.这个设备会持续地将铀矿石转化成气体。外研社新世纪〔vaporize〕To convert or be converted into vapor.使蒸发,使汽化:转化或被转化为蒸汽的美国传统〔viscose rayon〕A rayon made by reconverting cellulose from a soluble xanthate form to tough fibers by washing in acid.粘胶纤维:一种人造纤维,通过在酸液中漂洗把共同源素从可溶性纤维素形式转化为硬质纤维所制成美国传统〔war of words〕Adebate on the causes of global warming has turned into a bitter war of words.关于全球气候变暖原因的争论已转化为一场激烈的唇枪舌战。麦克米伦高阶In many ways the new economy is the old economy transformed by information and communication technologies.在许多方面,新经济是由旧经济通过信息和通讯技术转化而来的。牛津商务Solar power is the conversion of the sun's energy into heat and electricity.太阳能动力是把太阳能转化为热和电。剑桥国际The First Law of Thermodynamics states that in any process energy can change from one form to another, but it cannot be destroyed or created.热力学第一定律说:在任何过程中能量可以从一种形式转化成另一种形式,但它不可能消灭或产生。剑桥国际The bee turns nectar into honey.蜜蜂把花蜜转化为蜂蜜。剑桥国际There is a danger that anger at the new law may turn into anti-government feeling.存在着这样一种危险,即对于新法令的怨气可能会转化为反政府的情绪。剑桥国际They plan to securitize $2.2 billion of commercial and industrial loans.他们打算将其 22 亿元的商业和工业贷款转化为证券。牛津商务

