
单词 运输公司
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TAKE〕Jean works for a road haulage company based in St Etienne. 琼在一家总部设在圣埃蒂安纳的公路运输公司工作。朗文写作活用〔carrier〕One, such as a person, a business, or an organization, that deals in the transport of passengers or goods.运输公司:从事运输旅客或货物的人、商业公司或组织美国传统〔claim〕They claimed on the carriers for the loss involved.他们向运输公司就有关损失提出赔偿要求。英汉大词典〔commutation ticket〕A ticket issued at a reduced rate by a railroad or other transportation company for passage over a given route for a specified number of trips.定期车票:铁路或其他运输公司降价发行的票,用于给定路线特定旅程的通过美国传统〔company〕He runs his own trucking company.他经营着自己的货车运输公司韦氏高阶〔drug〕Truck operators could face heavy penalties if their drivers test positive to random drug checks.如果司机的随机药检结果呈阳性, 货车运输公司会受到严重处罚。外研社新世纪〔free on board〕Without charge to the purchaser for delivery on board or into a carrier at a specified point or location.船上交货:货物免费由船载运并在指定时间或地点交给运输公司美国传统〔freight〕Goods carried by a vessel or vehicle, especially by a commercial carrier; cargo.货物:被船或飞机,尤指被商业运输公司运送的货物;货物美国传统〔line〕A company owning or managing such a system.(固定路线的)运输公司:拥有或经营这种运输系统的公司美国传统〔line〕He owns a trucking line.他拥有一家货车运输公司韦氏高阶〔subcontract〕Hauling of the material was subcontracted to a motor transport company.材料的拖运工作已分包给一家汽车运输公司英汉大词典Hauliers are protesting about the new regulations.运输公司抗议新的规章制度。剑桥国际He owns a haulage company.他拥有一个运输公司剑桥国际Increases in the price of diesel fuel will be difficult for road hauliers.柴油价格上涨会对公路运输公司造成困难。牛津商务Several major carriers admit their trans-Atlantic flights are now on schedule less than half the time.几个主要的运输公司承认他们横跨大西洋的飞行准时的现在不到一半。剑桥国际The commercial carrier is doing a lively business. 那家商务运输公司业务繁忙。译典通The shipping company will be liable for damage. 运输公司将对损坏负责。译典通We are looking for a master franchisee to establish our transport company in Denmark.我们正在寻找一家主加盟商在丹麦设立我们的运输公司牛津商务

