
单词 越远
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAR〕She wanted to get as far away from New York as possible. 她要离开纽约,越远越好。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Since the universe began, the galaxies have gradually moved further apart. 从宇宙开始的时候起,星系之间就逐渐地越来越远朗文写作活用〔distant〕The sound of the engine was growing more and more distant.引擎的响声越来越远牛津搭配〔fade〕The radio signal faded out as we got further from the station.随着我们离电台越来越远,无线电信号逐渐消失了。韦氏高阶〔fall〕The houses fell away as we left the city.随着我们离城市越来越远,房屋也逐渐在视线中消失了。牛津高阶〔farther〕The boats were drifting farther and farther apart.那些小船漂流着,彼此距离越来越远朗文当代〔further〕Their steps sounded further and further away.他们的脚步声越来越远了。英汉大词典〔lust〕It was Fred's lust for glitz and glamour that was driving them apart.是弗雷德对浮华、奢靡生活的强烈欲望使他们越走越远柯林斯高阶〔lust〕It was Fred's lust for glitz and glamour that was driving them apart.是弗雷德对浮华糜烂生活的强烈欲望使他们越走越远外研社新世纪〔mileage〕Smaller cars have better mileage and so cost less to run.汽车越小,同等油耗跑的里程越远,因此使用成本越低。剑桥高阶〔mindful〕Politicians are increasingly mindful that young voters are turning away from traditional parties.政治家们越发注意到年轻的选民与传统党派的距离越来越远剑桥高阶〔mock〕The wind mocked their attempts to reach the shore by pushing the boat further and further out to sea.风把船往海里刮得越来越远,使他们靠岸的努力落空。剑桥高阶〔outgrow〕I realized that I had outgrown my old high school friends.我意识到自己已经长大了,和高中时的老朋友们越走越远了。韦氏高阶〔rattled〕The truck pulled away, and she listened to the rattling noises fade down the lane.卡车开走了,她听见卡车的隆隆声越来越远柯林斯高阶〔recede〕But the goal of an insect-free world continued to recede.但是,无虫世界这一目标却离我们越来越远了。英汉大词典〔retrograde〕The more distant outer planets retrograde more frequently.带外行星距离越远, 向后移动越频繁。外研社新世纪〔size〕Houses increase in size as you travel further from the city.离市区越远,房子越大。牛津搭配〔swallow〕I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the darkness.我看着她沿公路越走越远,直至消失在黑暗中。牛津高阶〔wander〕We wandered (for) miles and miles in the mist.我们在雾中离开正路越来越远英汉大词典I want to get as far away as possible from that dreadful man.我希望离那个可怕的人越远越好。剑桥国际

