
单词 雇工
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INDEPENDENT〕Changes in the rural economy turned many independent farmers to hired labourers. 农村经济的变化使许多自立的农场主成了雇工朗文写作活用〔LAW〕The Wagner Act prohibited employers from firing workers for joining a union. 《瓦格纳法案》禁止雇主以参加工会为由解雇工人。朗文写作活用〔busboy〕A restaurant employee who clears away dirty dishes, sets tables, and serves as an assistant to a waiter or waitress.小工,杂工:餐馆中洗盘子、摆桌子、给男招待或女招待做助手的雇工美国传统〔cottage〕They lived in a tied cottage on the estate.他们住在庄园的一座雇工农舍里。牛津搭配〔dirty〕Laying off workers is the dirty part of this job.解雇工人是这件工作中令人讨厌的地方美国传统〔dispose〕The factory is about to dispose of its workers.这家工厂即将解雇工人。英汉大词典〔golden handshake〕A lucrative severance agreement offered to an employee typically as an inducement to retire.退职金,解雇费:为使雇工辞职而由雇主提供的一种有报酬的解雇合同美国传统〔handle〕She handled the employee's problem with sensitivity and direction.她凭直觉处理雇工问题。美国传统〔help〕A person employed to help, especially a farm worker or domestic servant.佣人,雇工:被雇佣来帮忙的人,尤指农场工人或家庭仆役美国传统〔help〕The help are demanding higher wages.雇工们正要求增加工资。英汉大词典〔help〕The help have already left for the day.雇工已经下班了。韦氏高阶〔hire〕He hired out (或 on) as a farmhand.他当了农场雇工英汉大词典〔labourer〕Her husband had been a farm labourer.她丈夫以前是个农场雇工外研社新世纪〔labourer〕Her husband had been a farm labourer.她丈夫以前是个农场雇工柯林斯高阶〔lay〕They've had to cut back production and lay off workers.他们不得不削减产量,解雇工人。麦克米伦高阶〔liable〕He was liable for his employees' accidents.他应对雇工的工伤事故负责。英汉大词典〔lumberjack〕One who fells trees and transports the timber to a mill; a logger.木商的雇工:砍伐树木以及将木材送给工厂的人;伐木工美国传统〔man〕He's in charge of a small factory and has several men under him.他主持一家小厂,手下有几个雇工英汉大词典〔overlook〕The overlooker has to overlook a large number of employees.监工得监督许多雇工英汉大词典〔peonage〕The condition of being a peon.当雇工的状况美国传统〔peon〕Such a worker bound in servitude to a landlord creditor.雇农:因欠地主债当雇工者,抵债苦工美国传统〔striker〕One who strikes, as an employee on strike against an employer.罢工者:罢工者,如在罢工中反对雇主的雇工美国传统〔strike〕A cessation of work by employees in support of demands made on their employer, as for higher pay or improved conditions.罢工:雇工为支持对雇主提出要求如提高工资改善待遇等举行的罢工美国传统〔tied〕He lives with his wife in a tied cottage in Hamsey.他和妻子住在哈姆西的雇工农舍里。柯林斯高阶〔tied〕He lives with his wife in a tied cottage in Hamsey.他和妻子住在汉姆西的雇工宿舍。外研社新世纪〔work release〕A correctional program under which prisoners are permitted employment outside a prison while serving their sentences.劳动释放:犯人在服刑期间被允许在监狱外受雇工作的一种改正计划美国传统Introducing a 35-hour week would mean a rise in employment costs.推行每周 35 小时工作制将意味着雇工成本的增加。牛津商务It is the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees.只要合理可行,每位雇主都有责任保证所有雇工的健康、安全和福利。剑桥国际The help are demanding higher wages. 雇工们要求增加工钱。译典通

