
单词 翻来翻去
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chaotic〕Mullins began to rummage among the chaotic mess of papers on his desk.马林斯开始在桌子上一堆乱七八糟的文件里翻来翻去柯林斯高阶〔poke around〕I was poking around in the drawer, looking for the key, when I found this! 我在抽屉里翻来翻去找钥匙,就在这时找到了这个!剑桥高阶〔prowl about〕He prowled about the room, not sure what he was looking for.他在房间里翻来翻去, 不知道在找什么。外研社新世纪〔rake〕He raked about in the drawer looking for his passport.他在抽屉中翻来翻去找他的护照。剑桥高阶〔ransack〕I ransacked the cupboard for my ski boots.我在橱柜里翻来翻去找我的滑雪靴。剑桥高阶〔root〕She rooted through/among the papers on her desk.她在桌上的文件中翻来翻去地找东西。剑桥高阶〔rummage〕She was rummaging around in her bag for her keys.她在自己的包里翻来翻去找钥匙。牛津高阶〔scrabble〕She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.她在包里翻来翻去找眼镜。牛津高阶〔shuffle〕He sat there, shuffling through the papers on his desk.他坐在那里,把桌子上的文件翻来翻去麦克米伦高阶

