
单词 觉得饿
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EAT〕I wolfed down my breakfast but still felt hungry. 我狼吞虎咽地把早餐吃完,可还是觉得饿朗文写作活用〔feel〕Do you still feel hungry? 你还觉得饿吗?朗文当代〔greed〕I don't know why I'm eating more - it's not hunger, it's just greed! 我不知道自己为什么还想吃——不是因为觉得饿,只是贪嘴!剑桥高阶〔hungry〕By four o'clock I felt/was really hungry.到4点钟的时候我觉得饿极了。剑桥高阶〔hungry〕Do you still feel hungry? 你还觉得饿吗?朗文当代〔hungry〕Is anyone getting hungry? 有人觉得饿吗?牛津高阶〔hungry〕She was beginning to feel hungry again.她又开始觉得饿了。麦克米伦高阶〔hungry〕That girl is always hungry.那个女孩总是觉得饿韦氏高阶〔keep up〕I was so hungry all the time that I could not keep the diet up for longer than a month.我无时无刻都觉得饿,节食坚持不到一个月就放弃了。柯林斯高阶〔munchies〕I always get/have the munchies when I'm watching TV. = Watching TV always gives me the munchies.我看电视时总觉得饿韦氏高阶〔munchies〕We got the munchies but couldn't be bothered to go down the shop.我们觉得饿了, 但却懒得去那家店。外研社新世纪〔pick at〕Sarah picked at a plate of cheese for supper, but she wasn't really hungry.萨拉晚餐时只吃一盘奶酪,但她并没有真觉得饿柯林斯高阶〔pick at〕Sarah picked at a plate of cheese for supper, but wasn't really hungry.萨拉晚餐时吃了一盘奶酪, 但她并没有真觉得饿外研社新世纪〔pick〕He never feels hungry and just picks at his food.他不觉得饿,吃东西也没有胃口。21世纪英汉

