
单词 装饰的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕We have one of those electric heaters with artificial logs. 我们也有个那种用假木头作装饰的电暖气。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕The room was decorated with pretty wallpaper with yellow flowers on it. 这房间是用带黄花图案的漂亮墙纸装饰的朗文写作活用〔DECORATE〕On the table was an ancient book with a decorated cover. 桌上有一本封面上有装饰的古书。朗文写作活用〔DECORATE〕She wore a wide-brimmed straw hat decorated with colored ribbons. 她戴了一顶用彩色丝带装饰的宽边草帽。朗文写作活用〔Venetian glass〕A fine, often colored and ornamented glassware made in or near Venice, Italy.威尼斯玻璃器皿:一种通常是彩色的且带有装饰的玻璃器皿,产于意大利威尼斯或者附近地方的美国传统〔adornment〕Something that beautifies or adorns; an ornament.饰物:美化或装饰的东西;装饰品:美国传统〔against〕Paintings look best against a simple white wall.画挂在没有任何装饰的白墙上看上去效果最好。剑桥高阶〔banderillero〕One who implants decorated barbed darts into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles during a bullfight.斗牛士助手:斗牛中用带有倒钩和装饰的短枪刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的斗牛士美国传统〔bauble〕Christmas trees decorated with coloured baubles用彩色小饰物装饰的圣诞树外研社新世纪〔beaded〕She wore an elaborately beaded 20s-style dress.她穿着一件上世纪20年代流行的那种有精美小珠作装饰的长裙。剑桥高阶〔bejeweled〕Decorated with or as if with jewels.用珠宝装饰的:用或似用珠宝装饰的美国传统〔bezant〕Architecture A flat disk used as an ornament.【建筑学】 银币饰:一种用作装饰的平盘美国传统〔bind〕To furnish with an edge or border for protection, reinforcement, or ornamentation.镶边:为保护、结实和装饰的目的而给…加边美国传统〔braided〕Decorated with braid.用编带装饰的美国传统〔brassy〕Made of or decorated with brass.黄铜的:黄铜制的或用黄铜装饰的美国传统〔bric-a-brac〕Small, usually ornamental objects valued for their antiquity, rarity, originality, or sentimental associations.小摆设:用作装饰的小物件,由于其独特、稀有、新颖或有情感的联系而有价值美国传统〔brutalism〕A style of architecture characterized by massive or monolithic forms typically unrelieved by exterior decoration.野兽派:一种建筑风格,特点是展示未经装饰的巨大构件美国传统〔bunting〕Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially as drapery or streamers for festive decoration.彩色布条:国旗颜色的布条或其它布料,用来作为节日装饰的彩旗或飘带美国传统〔busby〕A tall, full-dress fur hat worn in certain guards regiments of the British army.高顶皮军帽:英国军队中某些卫兵营所佩戴的高顶、全毛装饰的帽子美国传统〔button〕Such an object used for decoration.装饰扣:用于装饰的钮扣美国传统〔carven〕That has been wrought or decorated by carving.雕刻的:通过雕刻制成或装饰的美国传统〔coat of arms〕A tabard or surcoat blazoned with bearings.战袍:用纹章装饰的纹章战袍或外衣美国传统〔coating〕A layer of a substance spread over a surface for protection or decoration; a covering layer.涂层:铺在表面上用于保护或装饰的一层物质;覆盖层美国传统〔colour〕The Opera House is decorated with the Hungarian national colours: green, red and white.歌剧院是以匈牙利国旗的颜色——绿、红、白三色装饰的柯林斯高阶〔cordon〕A cord or braid worn as a fastening or an ornament.饰带:用于固定或装饰的带或编带美国传统〔crest〕A plume used as decoration on top of a helmet.羽饰:头盔顶部用作装饰的羽毛美国传统〔cross〕A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of an upright post with a transverse piece near the top of it, or a modification thereto.十字勋章:用接近顶部的地方横梁上的一根立柱的形状制成的勋章或徽章或由此加以装饰的饰物美国传统〔cut glass〕Glassware shaped or decorated by cutting instruments or abrasive wheels.雕花玻璃:通过切割工具或磨轮成形或装饰的玻璃器皿美国传统〔damascene〕Of or relating to damascening.波形花纹装饰的:波形花纹装饰的,或与之有关的美国传统〔dec.〕Decorated.经装饰的,盛装的美国传统〔dentigerous〕Having or furnished with teeth.有牙的或用牙装饰的美国传统〔diaper〕A white cotton or linen fabric patterned with small, duplicative diamond-shaped figures.菱形花纹的织物:一种图案为小菱形叠复花型装饰的白棉布或亚麻布美国传统〔ecclesiology〕The study of ecclesiastical architecture and ornamentation.教堂建筑学:研究教堂建筑及装饰的学科美国传统〔facing〕Material used for such a lining or decoration.贴边材料:用于陪衬或装饰的材料美国传统〔fagot〕To decorate with fagoting.用抽纱装饰的美国传统〔fall〕An ornamental cascade of lace or trimming attached to a dress, usually at the collar.装饰的项饰:装饰性花边或衣服领后的下垂物美国传统〔feathered〕Covered, provided, or adorned with feathers.羽毛的:覆盖、提供或用羽毛装饰的美国传统〔flacon〕A small, often decorative bottle with a tight-fitting stopper or cap.有塞小瓶:一种有很紧的塞或盖的通常有装饰的小巧的瓶子美国传统〔frieze〕A decorative horizontal band, as along the upper part of a wall in a room.壁缘:沿尾内墙壁的上部装饰的水平饰带美国传统〔frieze〕A plain or decorated horizontal part of an entablature between the architrave and cornice.檐壁:上横梁中在框掾和额板之间简易或有装饰的水平部位美国传统〔frontispiece〕A small ornamental pediment, as on top of a door or window.(门窗上)三角饰:小的或带装饰的三角楣,一般在门或窗顶部美国传统〔galloon〕A narrow band or braid used as trimming and commonly made of lace, metallic thread, or embroidery.镶边,装饰带:一种用来装饰的狭窄带子或辫子,通常用花边、金银线或刺绣做成美国传统〔garniture〕Something that garnishes; an embellishment.装饰:用来装饰的东西;一种饰物美国传统〔geometric〕Using simple geometric forms such as circles and squares in design and decoration.几何装饰的:用简单的几何图形如曲线或方块来设计或装饰的美国传统〔greenery〕Such foliage used for decoration.青枝绿叶,叶饰:用作装饰的绿叶美国传统〔hatching〕The process of decorating with such lines.画(或刻)影线:用这样的线装饰的过程美国传统〔heraldry〕Pomp and ceremony, especially attended with armorial trappings; pageantry.展示各种纹章的堂皇礼仪:壮观的仪式,尤指有纹间装饰的仪式;壮观的表演美国传统〔letterpress〕Chiefly British The text, as of a book, distinct from illustrations or other ornamentation.【多用于英国】 正文:正文,如一本书中区别于插图和其他装饰的文字美国传统〔livery〕She was attended by servants in splendid livery and powdered wigs.她由身穿华丽制服、头戴有装饰的假发的仆人服侍。外研社新世纪〔mat〕A decorative border placed around a picture to serve as a frame or provide contrast between the picture and the frame.衬边:在画四周装上装饰的衬边作为框边或使画与镜框之间形成对比美国传统〔miniature〕A small portrait, picture, or decorative letter on an illuminated manuscript.彩饰:经过装饰的书稿上的小人像、图画或装饰性字母美国传统〔moquette〕A carpet with a deep, tufted pile.机织绒面地毯:用厚的簇状线装饰的软绒毛毯美国传统〔multifoil〕A flat object or opening with scalloped edges or ornaments.多叶饰:有扇贝式边缘或装饰的平坦的物体或开口美国传统〔niello〕A surface or an object decorated with one of these alloys.黑银镶嵌品:由这些合金装饰的表面或物体美国传统〔ornate〕These adjectives mean elaborately, often excessively ornamented.这些形容词的意思是精心地、经常过分地装饰的美国传统〔overwork〕The white wall was overworked with wallpaper.用墙纸装饰的白色墙壁。21世纪英汉〔pack〕They pack their magazine with lots of helpful decorating ideas.他们在杂志里加入了很多关于装饰的非常实用的点子。韦氏高阶〔palmette〕A stylized palm leaf used as a decorative element, notably in Persian rugs and in classical moldings, reliefs, frescoes, and vase paintings.花饰:用作装饰的传统的棕榈叶,常出现在波斯地毯和一些古典的铸造物、浮雕、壁画和花瓶画上美国传统〔pax〕A small flat tablet adorned with a sacred image that worshippers kiss when offered the kiss of peace.圣像牌:有圣像装饰的小牌,让作弥撒的教徒亲吻以祈求和平美国传统〔pearly〕Covered or decorated with pearls or mother-of-pearl.用珍珠装饰的:以珍珠或珠母装饰的或遮盖的美国传统〔peekaboo〕Decorated with embroidered holes or eyelets.用绣的孔或孔眼装饰的美国传统〔picture hat〕An elaborately decorated, broad-brimmed hat for women.阔边花式女帽:女士戴的一种精心装饰的宽边帽子美国传统〔plain〕Marked by little or no ornamentation or decoration.朴素的,简朴的:具有无装饰品或装饰的特征的美国传统〔plumage〕Feathers used ornamentally.羽毛束:用于装饰的羽毛美国传统〔polychrome〕An object or a work composed of or decorated in many colors.多色彩,彩色印刷品:由许多颜色构成的或由许多颜色装饰的物品或作品美国传统〔rather〕I rather like the decorative effect.我倒很喜欢装饰的效果。柯林斯高阶〔repoussé〕Shaped or decorated with patterns in relief formed by hammering and pressing on the reverse side. Used especially of metal.凸纹形的:用通过在反面锤打或按压形成的凸线图案制作或装饰的。尤其是用于金属美国传统〔restrained〕The room was decorated with restrained colors.这个房间是用淡雅的颜色装饰的韦氏高阶〔ruffle〕A strip of frilled or closely pleated fabric used for trimming or decoration.褶裥饰边:用于镶边或装饰的具有饰边或折皱的布条美国传统〔sash〕A band or ribbon worn about the waist, as for ornament, or over the shoulder as a symbol of rank.绶带:缠于腰部用作装饰的带子或彩带,或挂在肩上作为军衔标志的饰带美国传统〔scribble〕The chalkboard was adorned with the children's scribbles.黑板上装饰的是孩子们的涂鸦之作。韦氏高阶〔send up〕It is the preparation and redecoration costs that send up the price.筹备和重新装饰的费用导致价格上涨。外研社新世纪〔sgraffito〕Ware decorated in this manner.五彩釉雕陶器:通过这种方式装饰的物品美国传统〔sit〕On the table sat a box decorated with little pearl triangles.桌上有一只用珠子串成的小三角形作装饰的盒子。柯林斯高阶〔slipware〕Pottery coated or decorated with slip.施釉陶器:用泥浆涂抹或装饰的陶器美国传统〔snuffbox〕A small, often decorated box with a hinged lid, used for carrying snuff.鼻烟盒:一种小的、有经装饰的铁链盖子的盒子,用来装鼻烟美国传统〔socle〕A plain plinth supporting a wall.柱脚:支持一堵墙的不经装饰的墙基层美国传统〔striping〕The act or process of marking or decorating with stripes.划条纹:用条纹加以标记或用条标装饰的行为或过程美国传统〔strong〕The room was decorated in very strong colours.房间装饰的色调非常亮丽。剑桥高阶〔stuccowork〕Ornamental work or moldings or a finish done in stucco.拉毛粉饰工作:以拉毛粉饰做的装饰的工作或装饰线条或终饰美国传统〔surbased〕Having a surbase.有柱基座线脚装饰的美国传统〔swag〕A carving or plaster molding of such an ornament.垂花饰:类似这种装饰的雕刻或雕塑造型美国传统〔tamboura〕An unfretted lute of India and Turkey, used as a harmonic drone.坦布拉琴:一种源于印度和土耳其的无回纹装饰的琵琶,用作和声的低音部美国传统〔tassel〕Something that resembles such an ornament, especially the pollen-bearing inflorescence of a corn plant.穗状物:类似这种装饰的某物,尤指一株玉米上结有花粉的穗美国传统〔theme〕Her bedroom is decorated in a Victorian theme.她的卧室是以维多利亚时代的风格装饰的朗文当代〔tinsel〕Made of or decorated with tinsel.由金属丝、线制成或装饰的美国传统〔trappings〕He preferred a plain room with no fancy trappings.他喜欢一间没有什么花哨装饰的简朴房间。英汉大词典〔trappings〕He would never have fallen for outward trappings.他本来决不会热中于外表装饰的英汉大词典〔trope〕Music A word or phrase interpolated as an embellishment in the sung parts of certain medieval liturgies.【音乐】 附加句:某些中世纪祈祷文的歌唱部分中作为装饰的词或词组美国传统〔undecked〕Not decorated; unornamented.无装饰的:未作装饰;朴素的美国传统〔vibrant〕The room was decorated in vibrant reds and yellows.那房间是由鲜艳的红黄两色装饰的牛津高阶〔vulgarity〕The vulgarity of the decor made me wince.这装饰的粗俗不堪让我皱起了眉头。外研社新世纪I don't like these severe modern buildings.我不喜欢这些不加装饰的现代建筑。剑桥国际It wasn't decorated as I would have done it but most of the house was inoffensive enough.这房子不是按我所希望的那样装饰的,但大部分地方并不让人讨厌。剑桥国际Rococo is a delicate style of interior decoration that is characterized by the use of scrolls and the asymmetrical arrangements of curves.洛可可式是内部装饰的一种精美风格,其特点是使用卷形及曲线的不对称排列。剑桥国际She was unexpectedly cheerful, and her dining-room had the decency of clean bareness. 她出乎意料地欢乐,她的餐室有一种清洁而无装饰的高雅。译典通The house is decorated in a very grandiose style.这所房子装饰的风格极为华丽。剑桥国际The room has been decorated in pastel shades (= soft and light colours) throughout.这间房间全部是用轻淡柔和的色彩装饰的剑桥国际The writer described the highly decorative style of architecture as decadent.作家把崇尚装饰的建筑风格描述成是颓废的。剑桥国际This is a house with no frills. 这是栋没有过分装饰的房子。译典通

