
单词 行路
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔belt〕An encircling route.环行路美国传统〔bollard〕They put a line of bollards in front of the house.他们在房子前放置了一行路桩。外研社新世纪〔diversion〕The road will be closed for two days; diversions have been signposted.这条路将封闭两天,已用路标标出绕行路线。牛津搭配〔flight〕Modern missiles are so accurate because their flight is controlled by computer.现代导弹十分精确,因为其飞行路线是由计算机控制的。剑桥高阶〔flight〕They have persuaded the authorities to divert the flight path of the military jets away from their town.他们已经说服当局改变军用喷气式飞机的飞行路线,使之远离他们的小镇。牛津搭配〔forewarn〕We'd been forewarned of the dangers of travelling at night.我们被预先告知,夜间行路有危险。朗文当代〔forlorn〕One of the demonstrators, a young woman, sat forlorn on the pavement.一名年轻的女示威者独自一人坐在人行路上。柯林斯高阶〔goddamn〕Goddamn these detours! 这些该死的临时绕行路韦氏高阶〔halt〕The police were halting traffic on the parade route.警察正阻止游行路线上的车辆前行。牛津高阶〔hunt〕To yaw back and forth about a flight path, as if seeking a new direction or another angle of attack. Used of an aircraft, a rocket, or a space vehicle.前后摆动:沿一条飞行路线来回摇摆,似乎在寻找一个新的方向或进攻角度。用于飞机、火箭或空间飞行器美国传统〔imperil〕You imperilled the lives of other road users by your driving.你的驾驶危及了其他行路者的生命。外研社新世纪〔itinerary〕A route or proposed route of a journey.旅程,路线:旅行路线,或旅行预定的路线美国传统〔lane〕Sports One of a set of parallel courses marking the bounds for contestants in a race, especially in swimming or track.【体育运动】 跑道:在比赛中表明竞赛者界线的一组平行路线,尤其是游泳或田径运动中美国传统〔less〕The guide contains details of no less than 115 hiking routes.这本导游指南包括多达 115 条徒步旅行路线的详细介绍。牛津高阶〔line drive〕A batted ball hit sharply so that its path roughly describes a straight line.平直球:猛击棒球,从而使其飞行路线升至为直线美国传统〔line〕Police lined the route of the demonstration.警察站在游行路线的两侧。剑桥高阶〔maneuver〕A controlled change in movement or direction of a moving vehicle or vessel, as in the flight path of an aircraft.操纵:机动车辆在动作或方向上的节制性改变,如飞行器的飞行路线上美国传统〔orbit〕The path of a body in a field of force surrounding another body; for example, the movement of an atomic electron in relation to a nucleus.力场轨道:一物体在力场中环绕另一物体运行路径,例如电子在原子核周围的运动美国传统〔path〕The pilot was instructed to change his flight path.飞行员接到了改变飞行路线的指示。牛津搭配〔plot〕Have you plotted the route for your trip yet? 你标出你的旅行路线了吗?韦氏高阶〔plot〕The investigators plotted out the airplane's route.调查人员标示出这架飞机的飞行路线。韦氏高阶〔plough〕Horses plough up the paths and make them muddy for walkers.马匹把小路都踏坏了,使行路者走起来泥泞不堪。朗文当代〔predict〕Newton's theories allow us to predict the flight of a ball.牛顿的理论让我们可以预测球体的飞行路线。牛津搭配〔range〕Spectators were ranged along the whole route of the procession.旁观者排列在整个游行路线的两侧。牛津高阶〔safety〕The people want to be able to walk the streets in safety.人们希望能够保障街头行路安全。牛津搭配〔seaway〕A sea route.航线:海上航行路线美国传统〔spiral〕The course or flight path of an object rotating on its longitudinal axis.螺旋形路线盘旋绕其竖直轴旋转的物体的路线或飞行路美国传统〔suitable〕The walk is suitable for all the family.那条步行路线对全家人都很方便。牛津搭配〔tag〕Excited children tagged the circus parade to the end of its route.兴奋的孩子们紧跟在马戏团游行队伍后面直到游行路线的终点美国传统〔take〕It's too far to walk—I'll take you by car.步行路太远,我开车送你去。牛津高阶〔traffic〕The cop was shot during a routine traffic stop.这名交警在执行例行路检时遭枪击。牛津搭配〔uplink〕A transmission path by which radio or other signals are sent to an aircraft or a communications satellite.上行路线,向上传输:传向航天器或通讯卫星的无线电或其他信号的传输路线美国传统〔voyager〕He aims to follow Columbus's voyage to the West Indies.他打算重走哥伦布到达西印度群岛的航行路线。柯林斯高阶Modern missiles are so accurate because their flight (=the direction in which they fly) is controlled by computer.现代火箭极为精确,因为它们的飞行路线是用电脑控制的。剑桥国际The bank is holding roadshows to promote the issue of additional shares.银行正在举行路演以推销新股增发。牛津商务The flight path of a guided missile can be altered after the missile has been launched.导弹的飞行路线在它被发射后可以被改变。剑桥国际The walkers were good-humoured despite the bad weather.虽然天气不好,行路者还是愉快的。剑桥国际They travelled by day and stayed at hotels by night. 他们白天行路,晚上在旅馆过夜。译典通When they bought their house, they didn't realise that it was in / under the flight path to the airport.他们买房子时没有意识到房子是位于通往机场的飞行路线下边。剑桥国际

