
单词 药草
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COOK〕Whenever I had a cold, my grandmother would concoct a remedy out of herbs, ginger, lemons and garlic. 我一感冒,祖母就会用药草、生姜、柠檬和蒜调制汤药。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕A health food store is a good place to look for herbs. 健康食品店里该买得到药草朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕The herb can be used as a hair rinse to add luster. 这种药草可用作洗发剂,增加头发的光泽。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Health food stores promote all manner of herbs to prevent colds. 保健食品商店推广各种预防感冒的药草朗文写作活用〔all-heal〕Any of several plants, such as the self-heal or the valerian, once thought to have broad healing powers.万灵药草:一种植物,如缬草、夏枯草,曾一度被认为有广泛的治愈疗效美国传统〔antiseptic〕Some herbs have antiseptic qualities.一些药草有抗菌性。朗文当代〔botanica〕A shop that sells herbs, charms, and other religious or spiritual items, especially those associated with Santeria.神物小铺:出售药草、符咒以及其它宗教物品或灵魂物品的商店,尤指同桑泰里厄教相关的各类物品美国传统〔bouquet garni〕A bunch of herbs tied together, wrapped in cheesecloth or enclosed in a small cloth sack, and immersed during cooking, as in a soup or stew.香料包,烹调混合香料:一束药草,用干酪包布包住或装在小布袋中,在烹调时浸入汤或炖品中美国传统〔bunch〕Dried herbs hung in bunches from the kitchen rafters.厨房的椽上垂挂着一串串干药草韦氏高阶〔bunch〕We'll bunch these herbs and sell them.我们会把这些药草扎成束并卖掉。麦克米伦高阶〔chutney〕A pungent relish made of fruits, spices, and herbs.印度酸辣酱:用水果、调料和药草制成的有刺激性味道的调味品美国传统〔commonly〕Parsley is probably the most commonly used of all herbs.欧芹可能是用得最多的一种药草柯林斯高阶〔curandera〕A woman who practices folk medicine; an herb doctor.女民俗医师:实行民间疗法的女人;一位药草医生美国传统〔curandero〕A man who practices folk medicine; an herb doctor.男民俗医师:实行民间疗法的男人;一位药草医生美国传统〔curative〕This herb was once thought to be a curative.这种药草一度被认为能够治病救人。朗文当代〔distinct〕Each herb has its own distinct flavor.每种药草都有其独特的味道。韦氏高阶〔flavouring〕Our range of herbal teas contain no preservatives, colourings or artificial flavourings.我们这一系列的药草茶不含防腐剂、色素以及人工调味品。外研社新世纪〔flavouring〕Our range of herbal teas contain no preservatives, colourings or artificial flavourings.我们这一系列的药草茶不含防腐剂、色素以及人工调味品。柯林斯高阶〔fragrant〕The soup was fragrant with herbs and spices.这汤散发着药草和香料的香味。韦氏高阶〔freeze〕Most fresh herbs will freeze successfully.大部分新鲜药草都很适宜冷冻贮藏。外研社新世纪〔herbal medicine〕A drug or preparation made from a plant or plants and used for any of such purposes.药草:以一种或多种植物所制作的医药或是调剂,并以任何此类目的使用美国传统〔herbal medicine〕The study or use of medicinal herbs to prevent and treat diseases and ailments or to promote health and healing.药草医术学:研究或是利用具医学功能的药草来预防及治疗疾病与病痛,或是促进身体健康并具治疗功能美国传统〔herbalism〕Herbal medicine.药草美国传统〔herbalism〕The business of growing, collecting, and distributing herbal products.药草经营:培育、收集、并散布药草产品的营业行为美国传统〔herbalism〕The study of the use of medicinal herbs around the world.药草学研究:研究或是利用全世界的药草医术美国传统〔herbalist〕One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.植物学家:栽培、采集草或专门研究(尤指药草)其用处的人美国传统〔herb〕A large range of herbs and spices are used in South Asian cooking.印度烹饪中使用多种药草和香料。剑桥高阶〔herb〕Add a teaspoonful of mixed herbs.加入一茶匙混合药草牛津搭配〔herb〕Ali recommends taking herbs to facilitate recovery.阿里建议服用药草来促进康复。牛津搭配〔is reported〕It is reported that the herb helps reduce anxiety.据说那种药草有助于减缓焦虑。韦氏高阶〔merit〕We discussed the merits of herbal tea.我们讨论了药草茶的好处。剑桥高阶〔naturally〕Many herbs grow naturally in poor dry soils.很多药草天然生长于贫瘠干燥的土壤中。麦克米伦高阶〔obtainable〕The dried herb is obtainable from health shops.干药草可以从保健品商店买到。外研社新世纪〔obtainable〕The dried herb is obtainable from health shops.这种干药草能在保健店里买到。柯林斯高阶〔odour〕The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour.整株药草有种独特的味道和气味。柯林斯高阶〔poultice〕She treated the swelling with poultices of herbs.她用药草敷剂治疗肿胀。英汉大词典〔refreshing〕Herbs are often used to make refreshing drinks.药草经常被用来制作提神饮品。外研社新世纪〔seed〕I grew these herbs from seed.我这些药草是播种子长出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔shelter〕Plant herbs next to a wall to shelter them from the wind.把药草种在墙边以避风。朗文当代〔simple〕A medicinal plant or the medicine obtained from it.药草,草药制剂:一种医用植物或从这种植物中提炼出来的药品美国传统〔snakeroot〕Any of various plants, such as black cohosh, rattlesnake master, sanicle, or wild ginger, having roots reputed to cure snakebite.蛇咬药草:总状升麻、福王草、变豆菜或野生姜等各种植物,据说其根能治毒蛇咬伤美国传统〔steep〕You will usually find that herbs need longer to steep than ordinary tea.你通常会发现药草与普通茶叶相比需要浸泡更长的时间。外研社新世纪〔swag〕Slang Herbal tea in a plastic sandwich bag sold as marijuana to an unsuspecting customer.【俚语】 药草茶:双层包内当作大麻卖给信以为真的顾客的药草美国传统〔try〕I've tried herbal cigarettes, but I don't like them.我曾试过药草香烟, 但是我不喜欢。外研社新世纪〔use〕This herb has a variety of uses.这种药草有许多用途。牛津搭配〔vomit〕The doctor is vomiting and purging his patients with herbs.医生正用药草催病人呕吐清胃。英汉大词典He uses a lot of aromatic herbs in his cooking.他烹调时用了多种芳香药草剑桥国际Liqueurs are made by adding fruits, herbs or spices to spirits such as whisky and brandy.把水果、药草或香料加入烈性酒如威士忌、白兰地中可制成烈性甜酒。剑桥国际She believes in the beneficial properties of herbal remedies.她相信药草治疗法的好处。剑桥国际She drinks an infusion of herbs every day (=a drink made by leaving herbs in hot water).她每天都喝药草浸泡液。剑桥国际These medical herbs are said to act on the heart. 据说这些药草对心脏起作用。译典通

