
单词 看不见的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OBVIOUS〕Their house is on the left. It has a pink door. You can't miss it. 他们家在左边,门是粉红色的,你不会看不见的朗文写作活用〔SEE〕The space probe can photograph parts of the electronic spectrum that are invisible to the naked eye. 太空探测器可以拍摄到肉眼看不见的部分电子光谱。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Adult magazines in shops must be kept where children cannot see them. 店里的成人杂志必须放在儿童看不见的地方。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕Some insects’ wings vibrate so fast that the movement is invisible to the human eye. 有些昆虫翼翅振动得非常快,人眼是看不见的朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕The skin is covered with microscopic hairs, invisible to the naked eye. 皮肤上都是肉眼看不见的细毛。朗文写作活用〔Varroa〕The barely visible Varroa began infesting Russian honey bees in 1964.微小到几乎看不见的瓦螨于1964年开始寄生于俄罗斯蜜蜂。英汉大词典〔aura〕An invisible breath, emanation, or radiation.气味:看不见的呼吸、放射或辐射美国传统〔black ice〕A thin, nearly invisible coating of ice, as on the surface of a road or a sidewalk, that is usually caused by freezing mist and is extremely hazardous.黑冰:一层很薄的,几乎看不见的冰层,如在道路或人行道上,通常由霜雾造成,极危险美国传统〔black light〕Invisible ultraviolet or infrared radiation. Black light causes fluorescent materials to emit visible light and is used to take pictures in the dark.黑光:看不见的紫外线或红外线。黑光使荧光物体发出可见光,用于黑暗中拍照美国传统〔blind〕Sightless.看不见的美国传统〔effluvium〕A usually invisible emanation or exhalation, as of vapor or gas.无形排放气:常指看不见的排放物,如蒸气或气体等美国传统〔exist〕He thought that if he couldn't see something, it didn't exist.他认为自己看不见的东西就不存在。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕Dust mites are tiny creatures, invisible to the naked eye.尘螨是极小的生物,凭肉眼是看不见的朗文当代〔flurry〕She flurried and bustled, stuffing things out of sight.她手忙脚乱地把东西藏到了别人看不见的地方。外研社新世纪〔hide〕To keep oneself out of sight.隐蔽:藏在看不见的地方美国传统〔human〕Infra-red light is invisible to the human eye .红外线是肉眼看不见的朗文当代〔invisibility〕The path was obscured almost to the point of invisibility.这条通道昏暗到几乎看不见的程度。麦克米伦高阶〔invisible〕Microbes are invisible to the naked eye.微生物是肉眼所看不见的英汉大词典〔invisible〕One that is invisible.隐者:看不见的美国传统〔invisible〕Sound waves are invisible.声波是看不见的韦氏高阶〔invisible〕The house was surrounded by trees and invisible from the road.这所房子树木环绕,从路上是看不见的朗文当代〔invisibly〕A thin coil of smoke rose almost invisibly into the sharp, bright sky.一缕几乎看不见的轻烟升向清澈明亮的天空。外研社新世纪〔lurk〕This threat always lurks somewhere in the background.这一威胁总是潜藏在某个看不见的地方。外研社新世纪〔miss〕The hotel is the only white building on the road—you can't miss it.酒店是这条路上唯一的白色建筑,你不会看不见的牛津高阶〔miss〕The post office is opposite the station; you can't miss it.邮局在车站对面,你不会看不见的文馨英汉〔naked〕The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.窝里有八只没长毛、眼睛还看不见的小老鼠。外研社新世纪〔naked〕Through his telescope he could see millions of stars that were invisible to the naked eye .通过望远镜他可以看见数以百万计肉眼看不见的星星。朗文当代〔observable〕Behaviour is observable. Knowledge is not observable.行为是看得见的, 而知识却是看不见的外研社新世纪〔off-stage〕Situated or taking place in the area of a stage that is invisible to the audience.舞台后的,舞台旁的,舞台外的:位于或发生于观众看不见的舞台区域的美国传统〔pawn〕They are the pawns in the power game played by their unseen captors.他们是那些看不见的俘获者手中的权力斗争工具。柯林斯高阶〔presence〕The forest was dark and silent, haunted by shadows and unseen presences.这个森林黑暗寂静,经常有幽灵和看不见的鬼怪出没。柯林斯高阶〔quietly〕She'd promised to give him driving lessons, on the quiet, when no one could see.她已经保证要在别人看不见的时候私下教他开车。柯林斯高阶〔sightless〕Invisible.看不见的美国传统〔sight〕I hid the papers from sight.我把文件藏在看不见的地方。牛津搭配〔sight〕Leave any valuables in your car out of sight.把贵重物品留在车里看不见的地方。牛津高阶〔sight〕Leave any valuables in your car out of sight.把贵重物品留在车里,要放在看不见的地方。牛津高阶〔sight〕My companion suggested that we park out of sight of passing traffic to avoid attracting attention.我的同伴建议我们将车停在过往车辆看不见的地方,以免引起注意。柯林斯高阶〔sight〕She was now standing just out of his line of sight.她现在正好站在他看不见的地方。牛津搭配〔true〕The true cost of these experiments to the environment will not be known for years to come.这些实验对环境造成的确切代价在未来数年内是看不见的牛津高阶〔unite〕I think some unseen bond unites us.我认为有某种看不见的纽带连结着我们。英汉大词典〔unseen〕For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience.对我来说, 表演就是在麦克风前对着看不见的听众通过无线电波进行的。外研社新世纪〔unseen〕For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience.对我来说,表演就是在麦克风前通过无线电波面对看不见的听众进行的。柯林斯高阶〔unseen〕Unseen birds sang in the trees above us.一些看不见的鸟儿在我们头顶的树上歌唱。剑桥高阶〔view〕In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls.过去信仰万物有灵论的人们认为自然是由看不见的灵魂安排的。柯林斯高阶〔voice-over〕The voice of an unseen narrator, or of an on-screen character not seen speaking, in a movie or a television broadcast.旁白:看不见的解说员的声音或电影、电视屏幕上看不见其在说话的人物的声音美国传统〔weave〕Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.大多数蜘蛛可结成几乎看不见的网。牛津高阶A screen of trees hides the villas from the beach. 这些别墅有树木遮掩从海滩上是看不见的译典通Germs are invisible to the naked eye. 细菌是肉眼所看不见的译典通He tried to squash his ripped jeans into the suitcase while his mother wasn't looking.他想把他那撕破的牛仔裤在他母亲看不见的时候塞进衣箱。剑桥国际It can be very dangerous if there's a vehicle in your blind spot.如果在你看不见的地方有辆车,那将十分危险。剑桥国际Marks that are invisible to the eye are made visible using a new technique.肉眼看不见的斑迹可以用一种新技术变得可见。剑桥国际Now and again the hunter could hear a long-drawn dolorous whine of some unseen coyote. 猎人不时能听见某只看不见的小林狼发出的拖长的哀嚎。译典通Put the presents out of sight so we can surprise her.将礼物放在看不见的地方,我们可以给她个惊喜。剑桥国际The gun can fire invisible rays. 这枪能发出看不见的射线。译典通The police officer was hidden out of sight (= where she could not be seen) behind a tree.警官藏在树后看不见的地方。剑桥国际These bacteria live in a soft, almost invisible, film called plaque which coats the teeth.这些细菌生活在一层柔软的、几乎看不见的覆盖在牙齿上被称为牙斑的薄膜中。剑桥国际They helped to haul the man's body out of sight.他们帮着把尸体拖到看不见的地方。剑桥国际Unseen birds sang in the trees above us.看不见的鸟在我们头上的树丛里歌唱。剑桥国际

