
单词 监狱条件
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FOOD〕Juntao refused food as a protest against prison conditions. 俊涛拒绝进食以抗议恶劣的监狱条件朗文写作活用〔argue〕Woolf's report argued for an improvement in prison conditions.伍尔夫的报道主张改善监狱条件麦克米伦高阶〔case〕It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving.监狱条件得到改善的情况绝非事实。牛津高阶〔condition〕He dedicated his life to improving prison conditions.他毕生致力于改善监狱条件麦克米伦高阶〔fast〕Hundreds of prisoners began a fast in protest about prison conditions.数百名犯人开始绝食,抗议监狱条件太差。剑桥高阶〔follow through〕They made a good start at improving prison conditions, but unless there’s follow-through, the reforms won’t last.他们在改善监狱条件方面上开了一个好头,但是除非他们能够贯彻到底,否则改革不会持久。剑桥高阶〔forefront〕Prison conditions have been pushed to the forefront of public debate.监狱条件已被推到公众讨论的最前列。朗文当代〔more〕Prison conditions have become more brutal.监狱条件变得更加严酷。柯林斯高阶〔unimaginable〕Conditions in prisons out there are unimaginably bad.那里的监狱条件恶劣得无法想象。柯林斯高阶〔unimaginably〕Conditions in prisons out there are unimaginably bad.那里的监狱条件恶劣得无法想象。外研社新世纪

