
单词 甩头
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cross〕He headed the ball into the net, after a great cross from Pele. 他接贝利一记精妙横传,一甩头把球送入了网窝。剑桥高阶〔fling〕Lucinda tossed her head haughtily and flung out of the room.露辛达傲慢地一甩头, 冲出房间。外研社新世纪〔fog〕She shook off the fog of sleep.她甩头克制自己的睡意。麦克米伦高阶〔jerk〕Jerking her head towards the valley, she said, ‘What's down there?’ 她猛地朝山谷一甩头,说道:“那下面是什么?”麦克米伦高阶〔martingale〕The strap of a horse's harness that connects the girth to the noseband and is designed to prevent the horse from throwing back its head.马颔缰:一种马具,连接马的肚带和鼻羁的绳带,用以防止马向后甩头美国传统〔mosh〕To knock against (someone) intentionally while dancing at a rock concert.甩头,荡舞:在摇滚乐演唱会跳舞时故意撞到(别人)美国传统〔mosh〕To knock against others intentionally while dancing at a rock concert; slam-dance.甩头,荡舞:在摇滚乐演唱会中跳舞时故意撞到别人;荡舞.美国传统〔shake sth out〕She took off her hat and shook out her long curls.她脱下帽子,甩甩头,散下一头长长的卷发。剑桥高阶〔sway〕The girl tossed her hair and walked away, swaying her hips in an exaggerated fashion.女孩一甩头发, 走开了, 一边走一边夸张地扭着屁股。外研社新世纪〔toss〕She threw her hair back with a toss of her head.她猛一甩头,把头发甩到后面。韦氏高阶〔toss〕She tossed back her hair.她向后甩了甩头发。剑桥高阶〔toss〕She tossed out of the room.她怒气冲冲地一甩头走出了房间。英汉大词典He tossed out of the room in anger. 他愤怒之下一甩头离开了房间。译典通

