
单词 留到
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KEEP〕McCullough will be kept in custody until her trial on May 3rd. 麦卡洛会被拘留到5月3日受审那天。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕Your tickets will be held at the box office until one hour before the performance. 售票处会将你的票保留到开演前一小时。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕I do all our dishes, and leave the dog's dish till last. 我把我们的碗碟都洗完了,狗的盘子留到最后洗。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕I'm saving that chocolate for last. 我要把那块巧克力留到最后吃。朗文写作活用〔New Year〕We can safely leave that decision until the new year.我们可以把这个决定留到明年再做, 不会有问题。外研社新世纪〔PRISON〕Naylor was remanded in custody by Huyton magistrates until June 17th. 内勒被海顿地方法官还押候审,一直拘留到6月17日。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕In those days, teachers enjoyed running reading clubs, and stayed late after the bell to do so. 那时候老师爱办读书俱乐部,他们放学后会留到很晚才回家。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕She stayed late to complete a class assignment. 她留到很晚以完成课堂作业。朗文写作活用〔best〕I have one more gift for you, and I saved the best for last.我还有一份礼物送给你,我可是把这最好的留到最后。韦氏高阶〔business〕The most important business was left to the last.最重要的事留到最后来解决。柯林斯高阶〔carry〕You are not allowed to carry over holiday entitlement from one year into the next.你不可以把本年度的假期留到下一年。麦克米伦高阶〔detail〕Tell me the main points now; leave the details till later.现在把要点告诉我,细节留到以后再说。牛津高阶〔face〕He couldn't face the washing-up, so he left it until the morning.他不想洗碗,所以留到早上去做。麦克米伦高阶〔failing〕Failing a solution this afternoon, the problem will have to wait until Monday.如果到今天下午还没有一个解决办法, 这个问题只好留到下星期一。外研社新世纪〔good〕This food won't keep [【英】stay] good overnight.这食物留到明天就不新鲜了。文馨英汉〔guess〕The author's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the bitter end.这位作家打算把悲惨结局的悬念一直保留到最后。柯林斯高阶〔hang over〕It seems that the suit has to hang over till its next session.看来这个诉讼案得留到下次开庭时处理了。21世纪英汉〔hang〕Let the final decision hang over until next month.留到下个月再作最后决定吧。英汉大词典〔happy〕I'm happy to leave it till tomorrow.我愿意把它留到明天再做。牛津高阶〔hold over〕We held the story over until the next day.我们把这个故事留到第二天再讲。外研社新世纪〔hold〕I asked the shop to hold the dress for me until this afternoon.我让那家商店帮我把那条长裙留到今天下午。剑桥高阶〔hold〕They'll hold our tickets until tomorrow.他们会帮我们把票保留到明天。外研社新世纪〔hold〕We can hold the reservation for you until next Friday.我们可以把您的预订保留到下星期五。朗文当代〔hold〕We will hold these flight reservations for you until tomorrow.你预订的这些航班座位,我们将为你保留到明天。韦氏高阶〔imago〕Psychology An often idealized image of a person, usually a parent, formed in childhood and persisting unconsciously into adulthood.【心理学】 无意识影像,意像:童年时期对某个人形成的经常是理想化了的形象,并且无意识地一直保留到成年时期,通常是对父母美国传统〔job〕Save major painting jobs for the spring or summer.把主要的油漆活儿留到春天或夏天干。柯林斯高阶〔job〕Save major painting jobs for the spring or summer.把主要的绘画工作留到春天或夏天吧。外研社新世纪〔keep for〕I'll keep the fish for supper.我要把鱼留到晚饭时吃。21世纪英汉〔keep〕I will reserve my questions for the discussion period.我把问题保留到讨论的时候。美国传统〔knocking〕Glamorous make-up is best reserved for days when you want to go all out to knock 'em dead.魅惑彩妆最好留到你竭力想把所有人都迷倒的时候。柯林斯高阶〔last〕He had left the hardest problems till last.他把最难的问题留到了最后。外研社新世纪〔last〕I have left my best wine until last.我把最好的酒留到了最后。柯林斯高阶〔last〕I picked first all the people who usually were left till last.我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的人。柯林斯高阶〔last〕Let's save the champagne until last.让我们把这瓶香槟留到最后喝吧。麦克米伦高阶〔later〕I'm saving the chocolates you gave me for later.我要把你送给我的巧克力留到以后吃。英汉大词典〔leave〕Don't leave your homework till tomorrow 勿把功课建课留到明天文馨英汉〔leave〕I left the best bit until last.我把最好的留到最后。朗文当代〔leave〕Leave the dishes and do them in the morning.把餐具留到早上再洗吧。麦克米伦高阶〔leave〕Leave the washing-up till morning.把餐具留到上午再洗吧。外研社新世纪〔leave〕We'll leave this pie over for tomorrow.我们把这块馅饼留到明天吃。英汉大词典〔leave〕Why do you always leave everything until the last moment? 你怎么什么事都留到最后一刻才处理?牛津高阶〔linger〕Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight.客人尽可以喝着咖啡逗留到午夜左右。柯林斯高阶〔linger〕Unfortunately the tax will linger on until April.不幸的是,这种税还要保留到四月份。朗文当代〔love〕I'd have loved to have stayed till the end.我是很想一直逗留到结束的。朗文当代〔maternity〕Your job will be kept open for your return after maternity leave.你的工作会一直保留到你休完产假回来。柯林斯高阶〔minute〕Don't leave everything till the last minute.不要把什么事都留到最后一刻去做。牛津搭配〔occasion〕I'm saving this bottle of champagne for a special occasion .我要把这瓶香槟酒留到特殊场合用。朗文当代〔park〕Can we park that question until the end of the session? 我们可以把那个问题留到会议的最后吗?剑桥高阶〔park〕Let's park that until our next meeting.咱们把这留到下次开会时再处理吧。牛津高阶〔put aside〕Can you put this dress aside for me till tomorrow?你能把这条连衣裙替我保留到明天吗?外研社新世纪〔remaining〕The remaining issues can be dealt with at the next meeting.剩下的问题可以留到下次会上解决。麦克米伦高阶〔reservable〕This problem should be reserved for further consideration.这个问题应留到以后进一步考虑。21世纪英汉〔reserve〕She usually reserved her best dishes for very important dinners.她通常把最好的餐具留到非常重要的晚宴上使用。韦氏高阶〔reserve〕We'll reserve the ticket for you till tomorrow noon.票子给你保留到明天中午。英汉大词典〔save〕I had a bottle of champagne which I'd been saving for a special occasion.我有一瓶香槟,是留到特别的日子喝的。朗文当代〔table〕They voted to table the proposal until the fo llowing meeting.他们投票决定把这项建议留到下次会议讨论。牛津高阶〔table〕We will table that for later.那个问题我们留到以后再讨论吧。柯林斯高阶〔the last minute〕He always leaves his homework until the last minute.他总是把课后作业留到最后一刻做。剑桥高阶〔tomorrow〕Oh, leave it till tomorrow.哦,把它留到明天吧。剑桥高阶〔wait〕Go home. The report can wait till tomorrow.回家吧。 报告可以留到明天写。朗文当代〔warm up〕He's just warming up; he's saving his best material for the end.他才刚进入状态,他要把最佳体能留到最后。韦氏高阶〔watch〕We were arrested and held until the arrival of the night watch (=people responsible for keeping the streets safe at night, especially in past times) .我们被逮捕,并一直扣留到巡夜警察到来。朗文当代〔when〕Until when are you going to stay there? 你要在那里逗留到什么时候?文馨英汉〔work〕That work can wait until tomorrow.那工作可以留到明天做。牛津搭配Given the lateness of the hour, she left writing the rest of the letters until the next day.由于时间已晚,她把信的剩余部分留到明天写。剑桥国际I told the manageress of the shop I didn't have enough money and asked her to hold the dress for me until this afternoon.我告诉商店女经理我钱带得不够,让她替我把这条裙子保留到今天下午。剑桥国际I'll leave the rest of the work for tomorrow.我打算把剩下的工作留到明天。剑桥国际I'll leave these letters till Monday (= write them on Monday).我将要把这些信留到星期一去写。剑桥国际Let's park that until our next meeting.我们把那个问题留到下次会议讨论吧。牛津商务Oh, leave it till tomorrow.哦,把它留到明天吧。剑桥国际She always leaves her homework to the very last moment.她总是将家庭作业留到最后一刻做。剑桥国际You should not always sleep on a problem. 你不要总把问题留到第二天解决。译典通

