
单词 乳头
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HPV〕HPV causes anogenital warts, one of the most common sexually acquired infections.人乳头瘤病毒导致肛门生殖器疣,这是一种最常见的性传染疾病。剑桥高阶〔Paget's disease〕A form of breast cancer affecting the areola and nipple.佩吉特式病:影响到乳晕和乳头的一种乳腺癌的症状美国传统〔areola〕Anatomy A small ring of color around a center portion, as about the nipple of the breast or the part of the iris surrounding the pupil of the eye.【解剖学】 乳晕,瞳仁:围绕中心部分的一小圈颜色,如乳房的乳头或环绕瞳孔的虹膜部分美国传统〔dug〕An udder, breast, or teat of a female animal.雌性动物的乳房或乳头美国传统〔infection〕Cervical cancer is caused by infection with human papilloma virus.宫颈癌是由人乳头瘤病毒感染造成的。外研社新世纪〔mammillate〕Having nipples or mammillae.乳头的:具有乳头乳头状的突出物的美国传统〔mammillate〕Shaped like a nipple or mammilla.乳头状:形状象乳头的或乳头状突出物的美国传统〔mammilla〕A nipple or teat.乳头:奶头或乳头美国传统〔mammilla〕A nipple-shaped protuberance.乳头状物:乳头形的隆起物美国传统〔mastoid〕Shaped like a breast or nipple.乳房状的或乳头状的美国传统〔milk〕To draw milk from the teat or udder of (a female mammal).挤奶:从(雌性哺乳动物)的乳头或乳房中挤奶美国传统〔nipple〕A natural or geographic projection resembling a nipple, as a mountain crest.乳头状物:类似乳头的任何自然的或地理上的突起物,如山顶美国传统〔nipple〕Sore nipples can inhibit the milk supply.乳头发炎会抑制出奶。柯林斯高阶〔nipple〕Sore nipples can inhibit the milk supply.乳头疼痛会抑制出奶。外研社新世纪〔nipple〕The rubber cap on a bottle from which a baby nurses.橡皮乳头:奶瓶上用于喂婴儿用的橡皮奶头美国传统〔papilla〕A small nipplelike projection, such as a protuberance on the skin, at the root of a hair or feather, or at the base of a developing tooth.乳头状物:一种如在皮肤毛发、羽毛根部或正长着的牙的基部上的小的乳头突起美国传统〔papilla〕One of the small, round or cone-shaped protuberances on the top of the tongue that contain taste buds.舌乳头:舌尖上的一种小而圆或核形的有芽状味觉器官的突起美国传统〔papilloma〕A small benign epithelial tumor, such as a wart, consisting of an overgrowth of cells on a core of smooth connective tissue.乳头状瘤:一种例如瘤等附属的良性小肿块,由在光滑的能直接相通的组织的中心部分上的生长过盛的细胞构成美国传统〔papovavirus〕Any of a group of DNA-containing viruses that are associated with or cause papillomas or polyomas in animals.乳头状多瘤空泡病毒:一种含DNA的病毒,能引发动物乳头状瘤或多瘤病毒或与之有关的疾病美国传统〔pap〕Midland U.S. A teat or nipple.【美国中部】 奶头,乳头美国传统〔pap〕Something resembling a nipple.乳头状的东西美国传统〔pasties〕A pair of adhesive patches used to conceal a woman's nipples and worn principally by exotic dancers or striptease performers.乳头贴布:主要由脱衣舞女或脱衣舞表演者戴的用来遮掩妇女乳头的一对可粘贴的布美国传统〔suckle〕To cause or allow to take milk at the breast or udder; nurse.喂奶:使或允许在乳房或乳头处吸奶;哺育美国传统〔suckle〕To suck at the breast or udder.吸奶:在乳房或乳头处吸吮美国传统〔suckle〕To take milk at the breast or udder of.吃…的奶:在(人和动物的)乳房或乳头处吸奶美国传统〔suction〕If the teat enters the cup, the suction of the milking machine ensures that it becomes attached.乳头进入奶杯后,吸奶器的吸力能确保乳房吸附在上面。柯林斯高阶〔teat〕A nipple of the mammary gland; a mamilla.乳头:乳腺的奶头;乳头美国传统Sometimes a baby will hold the nipple in her mouth without really sucking on (Br also at) it.有时婴儿会将乳头含在嘴里但并不吮。剑桥国际

