
单词 亚伯
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abednego〕In the Old Testament, a young man who with Meshach and Shadrach emerged unharmed from the fiery furnace of Babylon.亚伯尼亚歌:《旧约》中的一年轻人,与米煞和沙得拉从巴比伦的烈火炉中出来而毫发无伤美国传统〔Abel〕In the Old Testament, the son of Adam and Eve who was slain by his elder brother, Cain.亚伯:《旧约》中亚当和夏娃的儿子,后被其兄该隐杀害美国传统〔Abrahamic〕Of the three Abrahamic faiths, only Christians can depict an image of God or the prophets.在亚伯拉罕诸教(即基督教、伊斯兰教和犹太教)中,只有基督教塑造了上帝和先知的形象。剑桥高阶〔Abraham〕In the Old Testament, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Isaac.亚伯拉罕:在《旧约》中,希伯来人的第一个族长和先祖。艾萨克的父亲美国传统〔Benjamin〕In the Old Testament, the younger son of Jacob and Rachel and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.便雅闵:在旧约中亚伯和瑞克尔的小儿子,一个犹太部落的祖先美国传统〔Blackfoot〕The northernmost tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy, inhabiting central Alberta.黑脚人:黑脚同盟最北端的部落,居住于亚伯达的中部美国传统〔Blood〕A tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy inhabiting southern Alberta.布拉德族:在南亚伯达居住的黑脚族的一支部落美国传统〔Brangus〕A trademark used for any of a breed of beef cattle developed from a cross between the Brahman and the Aberdeen Angus.布兰古斯:从婆罗门牛和亚伯丁安加斯牛的杂交品种发育而来的一种肉牛的商标美国传统〔Cain〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, who murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy and was condemned to be a fugitive.该隐:在旧约全书中,是亚当和夏娃的长子,他出于忌妒而谋杀了他的弟弟亚伯并作为逃犯而被判罪美国传统〔Hagar〕In the Old Testament, the Egyptian servant of Abraham's wife, Sarah. With Abraham she had a son, Ishmael.夏甲:旧约圣经中亚伯拉罕之妻撒拉的婢女,她与亚伯拉罕生有一子,名为以赛玛利美国传统〔Hebrew〕A member or descendant of a northern Semitic people, claiming descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; an Israelite; a Jew.希伯来人,犹太人:北方闪米特民族的一员或后裔,自称是亚伯拉罕、以撒克和雅各的后代;古以色列人;犹太人美国传统〔Isaac〕In the Old Testament, the son of Abraham who was offered as a sacrifice to God. The sacrifice was prevented at the last moment by divine intervention.以撒:在《旧约》中,指亚伯拉罕之子,被作为祭品献给上帝。祭献在最后一刻因神意的干预而被阻止美国传统〔Ishmael〕In the Old Testament, the son of Abraham who was cast out after the birth of Isaac. He is traditionally considered to be the forebear of the Arabs.以实玛利:旧约中亚伯拉罕之子,在以撒出生后被弃。他传统上被认为是阿拉伯人的祖先美国传统〔Lincolnesque〕Suggestive of Abraham Lincoln.像林肯的:令人想到亚伯拉罕·林肯的美国传统〔Lot〕In the Old Testament, Abraham's nephew, whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back as they fled Sodom.罗德:旧约中的人物,亚伯拉罕的侄子,当他们逃离罪恶之地所多玛时,他的妻子因回头看而被化作盐柱美国传统〔Louise〕A lake of southwest Alberta, Canada, in the Rocky Mountains near Banff. Surrounded by high peaks and glaciers, it is noted for its scenic beauty.路易斯湖:加拿大亚伯达西南部的一个湖,处在靠近班夫的落基山脉中,由高峰及冰川所环绕,以风景优美著称美国传统〔Melchizedek〕In the Old Testament, the high priest and king of Salem who blessed Abraham.麦基洗德:旧约中为亚伯拉罕祝福的撒冷国王和大祭司美国传统〔Meshach〕In the Old Testament, a young man who with Abednego and Shadrach emerged unharmed from the fiery furnace of Babylon.米煞:圣经《旧约》中的一个年轻人,他与亚伯尼哥和沙得拉从巴比伦的烈火熊熊的炉中走出而未受伤美国传统〔Midian〕An ancient tribe in northwest Arabia, said in the Hebrew Scriptures to be descendants of Abraham.米甸族:阿拉伯西北部的一种远古族群,在希伯来经典中记载为亚伯拉罕的后代美国传统〔Piegan〕The southernmost tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy, inhabiting northwest Montana and southern Alberta.皮根族:黑脚联盟最南的部落,居住在蒙大纳州西北和亚伯达省南部美国传统〔Prairie Provinces〕The Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.草原诸省:加拿大的马尼托巴省、萨斯喀彻温省和亚伯达省美国传统〔Presidents' Day〕The third Monday in February, observed in the United States as a legal holiday in commemoration of the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.总统日:二月份的第三个星期一,在美国为法定假日,为乔治·华盛顿和亚伯拉罕·林肯的出生纪念日美国传统〔Promised Land〕Bible The land of Canaan, promised by the Lord to Abraham's descendants in the Old Testament.【圣经】 应许之地:在《旧约》里上帝许诺给亚伯拉罕的后代的迦南美国传统〔REMEMBER〕The Eid commemorates the prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at God's command. 开斋节是纪念先知亚伯拉罕甘愿依照上帝的旨意把儿子献祭的事迹。朗文写作活用〔Sarah〕In the Old Testament, the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac.撒拉:《旧约》全书中的亚伯拉罕之妻和以撒之母美国传统〔adrift〕Aberdeen are nine points adrift of Rangers at the top of the Scottish League.在苏格兰足球联赛中,亚伯丁队比排在首位的流浪者队落后9分。柯林斯高阶〔altar〕There Abraham built an altar to the Lord.亚伯拉罕在那里筑起了祭祀上帝的圣坛。外研社新世纪〔assassin〕John Wilkes Booth was the assassin of Abraham Lincoln.约翰·威尔克斯·布斯刺杀了亚伯拉罕·林肯。韦氏高阶〔beget〕In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and Abel.《圣经》中说亚当生了该隐和亚伯剑桥高阶〔being〕Abraham Maslow described psychology as 'the science of being'.亚伯拉罕·马斯洛把心理学称作“存在的科学”。外研社新世纪〔being〕Abraham Maslow described psychology as 'the science of being.'.亚伯拉罕·马斯洛形容心理学是“存在的科学”。柯林斯高阶〔canonize〕The American people have canonized Abraham Lincoln as half hero and half saint.美国人把亚伯拉罕·林肯尊为半是英雄半是圣人。外研社新世纪〔covenant〕God's covenant with Abraham 上帝与亚伯拉罕的立约牛津高阶〔descend〕She claims to be descended from Abraham Lincoln.她声称自己是亚伯拉罕‧林肯的后代。朗文当代〔emancipate〕Abraham Lincoln is sometimes called the Great Emancipator.亚伯拉罕·林肯有时又被称为伟大的解放者。韦氏高阶〔freer〕Abraham Lincoln was the freer of the slaves.亚伯拉罕·林肯是解放奴隶的人。英汉大词典〔greatness〕Abraham Lincoln achieved greatness.亚伯拉罕·林肯成就卓越。柯林斯高阶〔interlocutor〕Abraham was able to act as interpreter and interlocutor for our group.亚伯拉罕可以充当我们小组的翻译和代言人。剑桥高阶〔president〕President Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统韦氏高阶〔quotation〕At the beginning of the book there's a quotation from Abraham Lincoln.本书开篇引用了亚伯拉罕‧林肯的一句话。剑桥高阶〔since〕He is probably the best-known bewhiskered American since Abraham Lincoln.他或许可以说是亚伯拉罕·林肯以后美国最著名的连鬓胡子美髯公了。英汉大词典Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. 亚伯拉罕‧林肯解放了奴隶。译典通Abraham Lincoln was a great statesman. 亚伯拉罕‧林肯是一位非常伟大的政治家。译典通Abraham was able to act as interpreter and interlocutor for our group.亚伯拉罕可以当我们小组的翻译和代言人。剑桥国际At the beginning of the book there is a quotation from Abraham Lincoln.书开首引了亚伯拉罕·林肯的一句话。剑桥国际Dr Abraham said he hoped teachers would be sensitive to signs of stress in children at exam time.亚伯拉罕博士说他希望老师们能体察关心考试时孩子们紧张的迹象。剑桥国际I have read a biography of Abraham Lincoln. 我读过一部亚伯拉罕‧林肯的传记。译典通

