
单词 五元
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEW/NOT MANY〕He insisted on paying me back in dribs and drabs, five or ten dollars at a time. 他执意要零零碎碎地还我钱,每次还五元十元的。朗文写作活用〔apiece〕He gave them five dollars apiece.他给每人美金五元文馨英汉〔five〕Do you have change for five dollars? 你有五元零钱吗?牛津高阶〔give〕He has given me this dictionary for $5.他以美金五元把这本字典卖给我。文馨英汉〔keep〕Here's a five dollar bill—please keep the change.给你一张五元的钞票,零钱就不用找了。牛津高阶〔only〕I want only five dollars.我只要五元文馨英汉〔shy〕I'm shy (of) five dollars.我不足五元文馨英汉I had only fifteen dollars on me when the book I wanted cost twenty. 我身上只带了十五元钱,可是我想买的那本书定价二十元。译典通The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars. 这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。译典通

