
单词 发光的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aglow〕In a glow; glowing.发光的;炽热的美国传统〔beamy〕Emitting beams, as of light; radiant.发光的,光辉的:放射出光线的,如灯;辐射的美国传统〔clinquant〕Imitation gold leaf; tinsel; glitter.仿金箔:仿造金片;闪闪发光的金属;闪烁美国传统〔combustion〕A chemical change, especially oxidation, accompanied by the production of heat and light.氧化:伴有发热发光的化学变化,尤指氧化美国传统〔corona〕The luminous, irregular envelope of highly ionized gas outside the chromosphere of the sun.日冕:太阳色球层外的高电离气体所形成的发光的、不规则的环美国传统〔covellite〕A lustrous indigo-blue mineral, CuS, an important ore of copper.铜蓝,靛铜矿:一种发光的靛蓝矿物,CuS,是铜的重要矿物美国传统〔crown〕The winner of the beauty pageant walked down the runway wearing her sparkling crown.选美大赛冠军戴着闪闪发光的头冠沿T型台走去。韦氏高阶〔dark〕He bought the kids special rings that glow in the dark.他给孩子们买了能在黑暗中闪闪发光的戒指。韦氏高阶〔dial〕The lighted dial of her watch said 1.20.她那发光的表面显示的时间是一点二十分。朗文当代〔diamante〕A small, glittering ornament, such as a rhinestone or a sequin, applied to fabric or a garment.亮片:一种用于织物或服装上的闪闪发光的小饰物,比如像水晶或金属闪光片美国传统〔discharge lamp〕A lamp that generates light by means of an internal electrical discharge between electrodes in a gas.放电灯:通过气体中电极间的内部放电而发光的美国传统〔fiery〕The sun was now sinking, a fiery ball of light in the west.西边的太阳像一个发光的火球正在下沉。牛津高阶〔flame〕The zone of burning gases and fine suspended matter associated with rapid combustion; a hot, glowing mass of burning gas or vapor.火焰:气体燃烧的部分和与快速燃烧有关的微小悬浮物质;燃着的气体或蒸气的发热、发光的部分美国传统〔flying saucer〕Any of various unidentified flying objects of presumed extraterrestrial origin, typically described as luminous moving disks.飞碟:任何一种假定为天外来客的不明飞行物,被典型地描述为发光的移动圆盘美国传统〔fulgurous〕Emitting flashes of lightning.闪电般发光的美国传统〔full moon〕The moon when it is visible as a fully illuminated disk.满月:看起来象发光的大圆盘的月亮美国传统〔gemmy〕Glittering like a gem.象宝石一样闪闪发光的美国传统〔illuminated〕An illuminated sign flashed on and off.发光的指示牌一闪一灭。朗文当代〔illuminated〕His illuminated watch dial showed it was shortly after midnight.他那发光的手表字盘显示出此时刚过午夜。英汉大词典〔illuminative〕Of, causing, or capable of causing illumination.照明的,造成光亮的,或能够发光的美国传统〔lightsome〕Providing light; luminous.提供光的;发光的美国传统〔lucent〕Giving off light; luminous.发光的:散发光的;明亮的美国传统〔luminance〕The condition or quality of being luminous.发光:能发光的状态或特征美国传统〔luminary〕An object, such as a celestial body, that gives light.发光体:发光的物体,比如天体美国传统〔luminosity〕The condition or quality of being luminous.发光:发光的性质或状态美国传统〔luminous〕Emitting light, especially emitting self-generated light.发光的:放出光的,尤其是放射自己内部产生的光的美国传统〔luster〕A decorative object, such as a chandelier, that gives off light.枝形吊灯:装饰性的能发光的东西,如枝形吊灯美国传统〔noctilucent〕Luminous at night. Used especially of certain high clouds.夜间发光的:夜间发光的,尤用于指一定高度的云的美国传统〔pierce〕Large glowing yellow eyes pierced the darkness.一双大而发光的黄眼睛洞悉了黑暗美国传统〔plate〕A shiny metal plate was screwed to the door.门上钉了一块闪闪发光的金属牌。韦氏高阶〔shimmering〕She wore a shimmering blue veil that covered her head.她头戴一块闪闪发光的蓝色面纱。外研社新世纪〔shiner〕One that shines, as a star, jewel, or coin.发光物:发光的东西,比如星星、珠宝或硬币美国传统〔sparkle〕A small spark or gleaming particle.小火花:小火花或发光的小颗粒美国传统〔spark〕A glistening particle, as of metal.(金属的)发光的颗粒美国传统〔starry〕Shining or glittering like stars.闪闪发光的:象星星一样发光闪亮的美国传统〔twinkling〕Often engagement rings are a safe band of twinkling diamonds.订婚戒指通常有一圈镶嵌牢固、闪闪发光的钻石。外研社新世纪Across the shimmer of the lake, we could see the dark shape of the mountain.越过闪闪发光的湖面,我们能看到黑黝黝的山的轮廓。剑桥国际He pointed to the glistening veins of gold in the lump of rock.他指着这一岩块上闪闪发光的金矿脉。剑桥国际I simply cannot resist her scintillating charm. 我无法拒绝她那闪闪发光的魅力。译典通She appeared in the doorway, wearing a shimmering blue sequined dress which made her resemble a mermaid.她出现在门口,穿着一件闪闪发光的蓝色光片衣裙,令她像一条美人鱼。剑桥国际

