
单词 卖毒品
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BASIC〕The basis of his argument was that people who sell drugs should be jailed for life. 他的论点的基础就是贩卖毒品者应被判处终身监禁。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕The Mafia runs a highly sophisticated drugs racket. 黑手党极为老练地贩卖毒品朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕If they catch you dealing drugs, you'll get expelled. 如果他们抓到你在卖毒品,你会被开除的。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Drug pushers have been warned to stay away from the club. 卖毒品的人已经被警告远离这个俱乐部。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Charlotte informed on her brother, who was then arrested for drug-dealing. 夏洛特告发了她的弟弟,他后来因贩卖毒品被捕了。朗文写作活用〔badness〕I was selling drugs, but I didn't think I was a bad person.我贩卖毒品,但我并不觉得自己是个坏人。柯林斯高阶〔bad〕I was selling drugs, but I didn't think I was a bad person.我是在卖毒品, 但我不认为自己是个坏人。外研社新世纪〔bootleg〕He bootlegged,sold drugs and shoplifted to make ends meet.他非法贩运、赎卖毒品并在商店扒窃货物,勉强维持生计。21世纪英汉〔deal〕I certainly don't deal drugs.我可不卖毒品外研社新世纪〔deal〕The Yardies were dealing, bringing in more users, who committed more crime.牙买加黑帮贩卖毒品, 使更多的人变成瘾君子, 这些瘾君子又去犯下更多的罪行。外研社新世纪〔deal〕You can often see people dealing openly on the streets.经常可以看到一些人在大街上公然买卖毒品牛津高阶〔drug〕They were arrested for drug offences.他们因贩卖毒品罪被捕。外研社新世纪〔lot〕People who sell drugs to kids have a lot to answer for.卖毒品给儿童的人应付重大责任。剑桥高阶〔one〕They were all dealing drugs, but Bob was the one who got caught.他们全都在贩卖毒品,但鲍勃却是被抓住的那一个。麦克米伦高阶〔peddle〕They were accused of peddling drugs .他们被控贩卖毒品朗文当代〔proscribable〕The sale of narcotics is proscribed by law.法律禁止贩卖毒品21世纪英汉〔pusher〕One who sells drugs illegally.毒贩:非法贩卖毒品的人美国传统〔set sb up〕They claimed that they weren't selling drugs, but that they'd been set up by the police.他们声称自己没有贩卖毒品,是被警方栽赃陷害的。剑桥高阶〔stiffen〕Penalties for selling illegal drugs have been stiffened.对贩卖毒品的处罚加重了。剑桥高阶〔summons〕He had been accused of a drug offence but police had been unable to serve a summons on him (=officially order him to appear in court) .他被指控犯有贩卖毒品罪,但警方无法把传票送达给他。朗文当代〔trafficking〕She was convicted of drug trafficking.她被判贩卖毒品罪。韦氏高阶〔trafficking〕The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.总统称毒品正在危害整个世界,任何非法贩卖毒品的人都应依法受到惩处。柯林斯高阶〔traffic〕He was tried and convicted for trafficking in illegal drugs.他由于贩卖毒品而被判有罪。麦克米伦高阶〔traffic〕Lewis was found guilty of trafficking in drugs and sentenced to ten years in prison.刘易斯被判贩卖毒品罪名成立,获刑十年。朗文当代Drug dealers /(Br also) Drugs dealers (= People who sell drugs) are threatened with the death penalty, but the risk of discovery is slight.贩卖毒品的人有被处死刑的危险,但被发现的可能性极小。剑桥国际Drug trafficking (= Trading in illegal drugs) is an international problem, and one which requires an international solution.贩卖毒品是一个国际性的问题,需要国际性的解决方法。剑桥国际He has trafficked in drugs for many years. 他贩卖毒品多年。译典通He was arrested for pushing drugs to schoolchildren.他因为向中小学生贩卖毒品而被逮捕了。剑桥国际He was pinched for pushing drugs. 他因贩卖毒品被捕。译典通He was sent to prison on a narcotics charge. 他被指控贩卖毒品而被关进监狱。译典通Police are trying to crack down on dealers plying (= selling) drugs in school playgrounds.警方试图打击毒品贩子在校园里贩卖毒品的活动。剑桥国际She bootlegged, sold drugs and shoplifted to make ends meet.她私制、贩卖毒品,还入店行窃来维持生计。剑桥国际

