
单词 爱和平
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PEACE〕The Australian Aboriginals are a peace-loving race who live simply off the land. 澳大利亚的土著居民是热爱和平的民族,他们依靠土地过着简朴的生活。朗文写作活用〔hobbit〕An imaginary creature resembling a diminutive human being, having some rabbitlike characteristics, and being naturally peace-loving, domestic, and sociable.小矮人:一种类似于矮人的想象中的动物,有一些兔子的特征,生性酷爱和平、驯服及易于交往美国传统〔peace-loving〕By and large, these people are peace-loving, law-abiding citizens.大体上,这些人都是热爱和平、遵纪守法的公民。柯林斯高阶Whether they are orientals or occidentals, they all love peace. 不管是东方人还是西方人,他们都爱和平译典通

