
单词 清洗干净
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CUT〕Wash and slice the mushrooms. 将蘑菇清洗干净切片。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕Every time Jasper cooked for me, he would carefully clean up all the pans and plates he'd used. 贾斯珀每次为我做好饭菜后,都会把用过的锅碗瓢盆仔细地清洗干净朗文写作活用〔clean out〕If you are using the same pan, clean it out.如果用同一个平底锅, 要把它清洗干净外研社新世纪〔clean〕I must clean the fish tank out.我必须把养鱼缸彻底清洗干净牛津高阶〔dentures〕Remember to clean your dentures after you take them out.记着取下假牙后要清洗干净牛津搭配〔dress〕To clean (fish or fowl) for cooking or sale.清洗干净:给(鱼家禽)放血、去毛和内脏以备烹煮或出售美国传统〔scale〕You should scale, bone, and clean the fish before you cook it.在烹调之前,应该把鱼去鳞、剔骨、清洗干净韦氏高阶〔soap〕I cleaned it with warm water and liquid dish soap.我用温水和洗洁精把它清洗干净了。牛津搭配〔syringe〕I had my ears syringed.我的耳朵已用注射器清洗干净牛津高阶〔washup〕The act or action of washing clean.洗涤:清洗干净的动作或行为美国传统My grandmother doesn't think a toilet has been properly cleaned unless it's had half a bottle of bleach poured down it.除非已经使用了半瓶漂白剂,否则我奶奶不会认为洗手间已经清洗干净了。剑桥国际Please clean down the wall. 请把墙壁清洗干净译典通The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it. 护士缝合伤口之前先把它清洗干净译典通

