
单词 吃不下
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EAT〕I'm so full. I couldn't eat another thing. 我很饱了,再也吃不下了。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕The apple pie is delicious, but I won't have another slice - I couldn't eat another thing. 苹果馅饼很好吃,可我不要了一我再也吃不下了。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕Of course I like your chocolate cake, but it's so filling I couldn't possibly eat another piece. 我当然喜欢吃你的巧克力蛋糕,不过这种蛋糕太容易饱,我怎么也吃不下第二块了。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕That was delicious but I couldn't possibly eat another thing! 那确实很美味,但我一点也吃不下了!朗文写作活用〔LOT〕No thanks, I couldn't eat any more. I've had plenty. 不要了,谢谢。我已经吃不下,吃了很多了。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕I can't eat a three-course meal at lunch time -- it's just too much. 午饭时间我吃不下三道菜—实在太多了。朗文写作活用〔any〕I can't eat any more pizza.我一点儿比萨饼也吃不下了。韦氏高阶〔chivvy〕Jovial ladies chivvy you into ordering more than you can eat!.热情的女招待会一再推荐,最后点的餐多到吃不下!柯林斯高阶〔crud〕I can't eat this crud! 这种恶心东西我吃不下去!朗文当代〔dead〕He was dead tired, almost too tired to eat dinner.他筋疲力尽, 累得几乎连晚饭都吃不下外研社新世纪〔eat〕I couldn't eat another thing(= I have had enough food).我再也吃不下了。牛津高阶〔eat〕I was too nervous to eat.我紧张得饭都吃不下牛津高阶〔feel〕I don't feel up to eating anything.我觉得吃不下什么东西。麦克米伦高阶〔foul〕The taste in my mouth was sufficiently foul to put me off food.我口中的味道令我恶心, 吃不下东西。外研社新世纪〔full〕I'm full up. I can't eat another thing.我饱极了,再也吃不下什么了。牛津搭配〔gorge〕If you gorge yourself on snacks like that, you won't eat your dinner.你要是那样一个劲儿地吃零食,晚饭你就吃不下了。剑桥高阶〔go〕I really can't go another mouthful.我真的一口也吃不下了。英汉大词典〔here〕I can't eat any more. I'm up to here.我再也吃不下了。我已吃到喉咙口了。(说时常配以手势)英汉大词典〔hot〕I was too hot and tired to eat more than a few mouthfuls.我又热又累,只吃了几口就吃不下了。柯林斯高阶〔however〕However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza.无论有多饿,我似乎都吃不下一整个比萨饼。剑桥高阶〔keep down〕He was so ill that he could only keep down a small amount of food.他病得很厉害,吃不下多少东西。韦氏高阶〔manage〕I can't manage another mouthful.我是一口也吃不下了。21世纪英汉〔mess〕I can't eat this mess.这种东西我吃不下去。英汉大词典〔mite〕I couldn't eat another mite.我一点儿也吃不下了。剑桥高阶〔morsel〕I couldn't eat another morsel.我一口也吃不下了。牛津搭配〔muck〕I can't eat this muck! 我吃不下这些令人恶心的东西!牛津高阶〔really〕Thank you, but I really couldn't eat another thing.多谢,但是我真的什么也吃不下了。剑桥高阶〔revolt〕I revolt from eating dog meat.我这人吃不下狗肉。英汉大词典〔simply〕Many of them have quite simply had enough and can take no more.他们很多人都已经吃得饱饱的, 一点儿都吃不下了。外研社新世纪〔stomach〕She couldn't stomach any breakfast.她早上什么都吃不下牛津高阶〔stomach〕The sick man couldn't even stomach liquids.这病人连流食也吃不下英汉大词典〔touch〕She was so upset that she had barely touched her food.她愁得几乎什么也吃不下麦克米伦高阶〔weigh〕I was too weighed down by guilt to eat the sweet.我满怀内疚,吃不下甜食。柯林斯高阶〔welcome〕If you want that last cookie, you're welcome to it—I can't eat another bite.你想吃那最后一块饼干的话,请随意我一口也吃不下了。韦氏高阶He laid down his knife and fork, saying he couldn't possibly eat any more.他放下了刀叉说他再也吃不下了。剑桥国际He only ate a few mouthfuls, then he said he couldn't eat any more.他只吃了几口,便说他再也吃不下了。剑桥国际He pushed his plate away from him. “I can't possibly eat any more,” he said.他把盘子推开。“我再也吃不下了,”他说。剑桥国际If you eat all those biscuits now, you won't be able to do justice to your dinner/ do your dinner justice (= be able to enjoy it and eat it all).如果你现在把那些饼干全吃了,就吃不下晚饭了。剑桥国际It's very kind of you to offer, but any more pudding would simply be excessive.你这么招待真是非常感谢,但我再多一点儿布丁也吃不下了。剑桥国际Thank you, but I really couldn't eat another thing.谢谢,可我真的吃饱了,再也吃不下了。剑桥国际

