
单词 有所减少
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔albeit〕She has a majority, albeit a reduced one.她拥有多数票, 尽管相较过去有所减少外研社新世纪〔comfort〕Although crimes against visitors were falling, the levels of crime were still too high for comfort.尽管针对游客的犯罪活动有所减少,但犯罪率还是太高,令人担忧。柯林斯高阶〔consumption〕The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.这些法律已经使美国燃料消费量有所减少柯林斯高阶〔death〕Police report a decrease in violent deaths.警方报告暴力死亡人数有所减少牛津搭配〔decline〕Our profits have temporarily declined.我们的利润一时已有所减少英汉大词典〔decrease〕Half the companies in the survey reported a decrease in sales.调查中有一半公司表示销售有所减少牛津搭配〔decrease〕There has been some decrease in military spending this year.今年的军费开支有所减少牛津高阶〔hold〕The seat was held by Labour with a reduced majority.工党保住了席位,但在得票数上的优势有所减少麦克米伦高阶〔inroad〕Tax rises have made some i nroads into the country's national debt.增加税收已使国债有所减少牛津高阶〔insistence〕Insistence on better working conditions by the union has resulted in fewer employee absences.工会坚决要求改善工作条件使得员工缺勤的现象有所减少剑桥高阶〔install〕Crime has decreased since the security cameras were installed.自从安装了保安摄像机后犯罪行为已有所减少麦克米伦高阶〔less〕Last year less of the money went into high-technology companies.去年,投入高科技公司的资金有所减少柯林斯高阶〔receivables〕Our receivables are down this quarter.本季度我们的应收款项有所减少韦氏高阶〔reduction〕There has been some reduction in unemployment.失业人数有所减少牛津高阶〔reflect〕This year's budget simply reflects the fact that we have fewer people out of work.本年度的预算仅仅反映出失业人口有所减少牛津搭配〔resident〕If the landlord is resident, there may have been less loud music.要是房主常住本宅,(房客们)大放特放的音乐噪声可能会有所减少英汉大词典〔significantly〕Significantly, car thefts in the area have decreased.值得注意的是,该地区的汽车偷盗案件已经有所减少麦克米伦高阶〔slackening〕There was a slackening of western output during the 1930s.20 世纪 30 年代西部的产出有所减少柯林斯高阶Because of the work of several charities and historical societies, the number of church demolitions (= churches destroyed) has gone down in recent years.由于几个慈善团体和历史团体的工作,近年来教堂被拆已有所减少剑桥国际Tax cheats have declined. 偷税逃税事件已有所减少译典通There has been a decrease in the number of murders on the city. 城里凶杀案件有所减少译典通There has been some reduction in unemployment.失业人数有所减少牛津商务There is a decline in real wages. 实际薪资有所减少译典通

