
单词 接受了治疗
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEDICAL TREATMENT〕They received medical treatment at the hospital after the assault. 他们遭到袭击后在医院接受了治疗朗文写作活用〔clinic〕He was treated at the hospital's eye clinic.他在医院的眼科接受了治疗牛津搭配〔detain〕Nine people were treated in hospital and one was detained overnight.9人在医院接受了治疗,1人住院一晚。麦克米伦高阶〔inhale〕He was treated for the effects of inhaling smoke.他因吸入烟雾而接受了治疗外研社新世纪〔inhale〕Hundreds of children were treated for smoke inhalation.数以百计的儿童因吸入浓烟而接受了治疗牛津高阶〔injure〕They were treated for shock but no one was seriously injured.他们由于休克接受了治疗,但无人受重伤。麦克米伦高阶〔medical〕Several police officers received medical treatment for cuts and bruises.几个警察因为有划伤和瘀伤而接受了治疗外研社新世纪〔precarious〕Her health remained precarious, despite the treatment.尽管接受了治疗,她的健康状况还是不稳定。朗文当代〔treat〕The boy was treated for a minor head wound.那个男孩因头部轻伤接受了治疗柯林斯高阶〔treat〕The boy was treated for a minor head wound.那个男孩头部轻伤, 接受了治疗外研社新世纪〔understanding〕Kevin had treatment on the understanding that he would attempt to overcome his drinking problem.凯文接受了治疗,但条件是他要努力克服自身的酗酒问题。柯林斯高阶〔victimhood〕She had therapy to help her overcome her sense of victimhood.她接受了治疗来帮助她克服受害感。朗文当代〔wound〕He was treated in hospital for head wounds.他因头部受伤在医院接受了治疗朗文当代

