
单词 挟着
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arm〕He was carrying a number of files under his arm(= between his arm and his body).他腋下挟着一些卷宗。牛津高阶〔blast〕The wind ripped through the trees and blasted a curtain of rain up the meadow.狂风横扫树木,裹挟着幕帘般的滂沱大雨掠过草地。朗文当代〔insufficient〕An old man approached with several octavo volumes under his insufficient arms.一个老人走上前来,双臂不胜其重地挟着几册八开本的图书。英汉大词典〔sweep〕She was swept toward the door by the crowd.她被人潮裹挟着走向门口。韦氏高阶〔thunder〕The waves thundered against the rock.海浪挟着巨响拍击岩石。英汉大词典

