
单词 打开收音机
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕I switched on the radio to listen to the news. 我打开收音机听新闻。朗文写作活用〔catch〕Bill turned on the radio to catch the local news.比尔打开收音机收听当地新闻。外研社新世纪〔catch〕Bill turns on the radio to catch the local news.比尔打开收音机,收听本地新闻。柯林斯高阶〔fiddle with〕He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob.他打开收音机, 转动旋钮。外研社新世纪〔fiddle〕He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got a talk show.他打开收音机,拨动旋钮,直至调到一个脱口秀节目。柯林斯高阶〔flick on〕I flick the radio on instinctively whenever I get into the car.我每次进到轿车里都会本能地打开收音机外研社新世纪〔flip〕Josie flipped on the radio.乔西打开收音机朗文当代〔hourly〕He flipped on the radio to get the hourly news broadcast.他打开收音机收听整点新闻。柯林斯高阶〔listen〕He turned the radio on and listened to the news.他打开收音机听新闻。韦氏高阶〔mask〕Liz turned on a radio to mask the noise.利兹打开收音机来盖过杂声。朗文当代〔on〕Turn on the radio.打开收音机美国传统〔pip〕She turned on the radio and heard the five o'clock pips.她打开收音机,听到了5点钟的报时音。剑桥高阶〔radio〕I sat down and turned on the radio.我坐下来打开收音机朗文当代〔radio〕Let's turn on the radio. It's time for the news.我们打开收音机吧,到新闻时间了。麦克米伦高阶〔settle〕She settled (herself) down in a chair with a cup of tea, and turned on the radio.她泡了一杯茶在椅子里坐下,然后打开收音机英汉大词典〔sport〕Billy turned on a radio to get the sports news.比利打开收音机听体育新闻。柯林斯高阶〔twirl〕He switched on the radio and twirled the dial.他打开收音机转动调谐盘。英汉大词典I turned on the radio but all I could hear was a crackly voice speaking a language I did not understand.我打开收音机,但听到的只是一个尖锐急促的声音在讲我听不懂的语言。剑桥国际I turned on the radio to get the eight o'clock headlines.我打开收音机收听八点钟的新闻提要。剑桥国际I usually have the radio on for company.我通常打开收音机为伴。剑桥国际She turned on the radio and heard the five o'clock pips.她打开收音机听到了五点的报时信号音。剑桥国际

