
单词 泄出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Freudian〕Maybe, as the Freudians tell us, that which is repressed in one way will always find some other outlet.也许, 正像弗洛伊德派学者告诉我们的那样, 在某一方面受到压抑的情感总会以另一种形式发泄出来。外研社新世纪〔act out〕He tries not to act out his anger/frustrations.他尽量不把他的愤怒/沮丧发泄出来。韦氏高阶〔backfire〕The backward escape of gases or cartridge fragments when a gun is fired.后爆:枪发射时,气体或弹片的向后泄出美国传统〔bottle ... up〕Don't bottle up your anger;Let it out.别抑制你的怒气,让它发泄出来。21世纪英汉〔bottle〕Feelings that had been bottled up for years came flooding out.被强忍了多年的感情洪水般发泄出来了。21世纪英汉〔cry〕She wanted to cry her grief and anger all away.她要把悲愤在痛哭中宣泄出来。英汉大词典〔expression〕It's better to give expression to (= show) your anger, rather than hiding it.最好把愤怒发泄出来,而不是深藏于心。剑桥高阶〔externalize〕You have to learn to externalize your anger.你得学会把愤怒发泄出来。剑桥高阶〔feeling〕I finally gave vent to my feelings and started yelling at him.我终于发泄出自己的情感,开始对他大吼起来。牛津搭配〔give vent to〕He gave vent to his annoyance.他把自己的烦恼宣泄出来。韦氏高阶〔loose〕And now the anger Maggie had feared was loosed.现在,玛吉所害怕的怒火发泄出来了。朗文当代〔movement〕The matter so evacuated.粪便:肠排泄出的物体美国传统〔outwards〕It's much healthier to direct your emotions outwards than to bottle them up inside you.把你的情绪发泄出来,比闷在心里更有益于健康。剑桥高阶〔pent-up〕He still had a lot of pent-up anger to release.他还有满腹怒气要发泄出来。外研社新世纪〔release〕She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.她放声大哭,发泄出全部郁积起来的情感。牛津高阶〔rid〕The body gets rid of excess water through the urine.身体通过排尿泄出多余水分。英汉大词典〔system〕He let her go on talking, thinking she needed to get it out of her system.他觉得她需要发泄出来, 于是继续听她说。外研社新世纪〔trickle〕Sand trickled from a hole in the bag.沙从袋子的一个小孔中泄出英汉大词典〔urine〕The waste product secreted by the kidneys that in mammals is a yellow to amber-colored, slightly acid fluid discharged from the body through the urethra.尿,小便:哺乳动物由肾脏排泄出的排泄物,颜色为黄色到琥珀色之间,为略含酸性的液体,通过尿道排出体外美国传统〔vent〕He knew that if he gave full vent to his feelings, it would upset Joanna.他知道,要是他把自己的情绪全部发泄出来,会把乔安娜惹火的。朗文当代Eleven million gallons of oil were dumped when one of the company's tankers ran into an underwater reef.公司的一艘油轮撞上暗礁,泄出了1千1百万加仑石油。剑桥国际Her sadness at last found expression in loud crying. 她的悲痛终于在大声哭泣中发泄出来。译典通It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。译典通It's better to externalize your anger (= express it in words or acts) than to hide it.最好把怒气发泄出来,不要藏在心里。剑桥国际It's better to give expression to (= show) your anger, rather than hiding it.最好把愤怒发泄出来,不要把它藏在心里。剑桥国际It's much healthier to direct your emotions outwards than to bottle them up inside you.把你的情绪发泄出来,比闷在心里要健康得多。剑桥国际Women tend to internalize all their anxiety and distress--men hit out.妇女倾向于将焦虑和苦恼都深藏在心底,而男人则要发泄出去。剑桥国际

